The online racing simulator
It works perfect for me once I dont use AA but as soon as I add AA the mod goes crazy.
i have vista 64bit, plus 8800GT No AA or ASFF in windows and none in game,

i can get it onto the menu sometimes but errors straight away, or it jsut stays black

any ideas?
I'm developing a Graphics pack for LFS, based on this Bloom mod. Here's a few screenshots, let me know what the Bloom ones look like compared to your LFS.
Attached images
Quote from mcintyrej :I'm developing a Graphics pack for LFS, based on this Bloom mod. Here's a few screenshots, let me know what the Bloom ones look like compared to your LFS.

How have you got the cockpits to be so much darker in comparison to the outside? That's how LFS should look. And the bloom version's look brilliant.
Can you post some external views o with that mod your doing please?
Quote from mcintyrej :I'm developing a Graphics pack for LFS, based on this Bloom mod. Here's a few screenshots, let me know what the Bloom ones look like compared to your LFS.

great screenshots.
Quote from DaveWS :How have you got the cockpits to be so much darker in comparison to the outside? That's how LFS should look. And the bloom version's look brilliant.

I took SR's .ini and went through it fiddling with pretty much every value, trying it higher or lower. I ended up only changing a few, but the ones I did change made it look better.

Quote from steve30x :Can you post some external views o with that mod your doing please?

See Attachment:

Quote from baSh0r :great screenshots.


I'm going to continue testing, take more screenshots so I've tested each location, then set about tweaking the skies.
Attached images
Sorry for the double post.

Anyone else got any problems with the Autocross tracks? When I launch on any of the AU tracks I can see about 20 meteres then I just get a vertical wall of brown, then when i move the wall stays the same distance away but I can't see anything. No sky comes up, i'm not sure if its because i've been modifying the sky .RAW files or not, but If i replace them all with the default it still doesn't work. Can someone else try and launch the autocross tracks while you've got the bloom mod installed?

Quote from mcintyrej :Sorry for the double post.

Anyone else got any problems with the Autocross tracks? When I launch on any of the AU tracks I can see about 20 meteres then I just get a vertical wall of brown, then when i move the wall stays the same distance away but I can't see anything. No sky comes up, i'm not sure if its because i've been modifying the sky .RAW files or not, but If i replace them all with the default it still doesn't work. Can someone else try and launch the autocross tracks while you've got the bloom mod installed?


Bloom works fine for me on autocross.
Same here. I am using "the original" config-file.
I've fixed it, somehow the track file got corrupted and re-installing the patch fixed it.

Progess resumes! Got all the track's looking good in bloom now, Aston is bright in places but thats what you get for looking at the sun. I'm just going to note that i've not actually made much in this, I've got the High-Res sky pack installed, i've changed the levels on the sky to get them to not over-expose. Thats about it in the way of stuff i've done. The only other thing is fiddle with a few settings in the .ini file.
Looking good! Plz release
WOW tested the mod just few minutes ago and holy **** that looks pretty nice

Its tricky to setup, but once done it gives LFS that little bit extra touch of realism.

Cant wait to give mcintyrej's version a try
Bloom Addon Beta 1.0
Hi all,

Here's my version of the Bloom Mod, I took the original settings and tweaked them to be subtle, then fixed all of the sky textures to prevent overexposure.

I used the high-resolution Sky pack from the Misc. Addon section from here, check the readme for usage notes and credits.

This works for me, so if it doesn't work for you then i'm not sure. I'm just releasing what I use.


Archive Password:


I hope you enjoy using it! Give me feedback on what to fix.
Downloaded it. Overcast dusk @ Fern bay is... Interesting. Whole sky is one big bright white area (No red what so ever).
Quote from Gekkibi :Downloaded it. Overcast dusk @ Fern bay is... Interesting. Whole sky is one big bright white area (No red what so ever).

Thanks mate, i'll test and update after school tomorow.
This doesn't work..
When i start lfs it goes to a black screen and stays there than a box comes up saying graphics card can't load or something like that..
Can someone help?
Quote from mcintyrej :Hi all,

Here's my version of the Bloom Mod, I took the original settings and tweaked them to be subtle, then fixed all of the sky textures to prevent overexposure.

I used the high-resolution Sky pack from the Misc. Addon section from here, check the readme for usage notes and credits.

This works for me, so if it doesn't work for you then i'm not sure. I'm just releasing what I use.


Archive Password:


I hope you enjoy using it! Give me feedback on what to fix.

I downloaded this and all it did was made things loads bloom effect at all.
Is this an FPS killer?
I think it depends from your graphic card. I've got a 8800gts and there is no performance drop. But you can adjust the quality of the effect to get better fps on slower graphic cards.
Too bright in my town.
Original - mcintyrej
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Quote from gremwood :Is this an FPS killer?

Nvidia 6800 GT + AMD 3500+ here, and fps stays at the locked 75.
Good news guys, theres been an update for the mod that allows us to use all the features of the directx9 version. this is excellent news as it means we can adjust the colour saturation and gamma levels and you can also make custom 3d colour palletes in 3ds max.

Motion blur is working but its a bit hit and miss, I still need to play around with it. I'm not sure about shadows and reflections yet either as I'm using another reflection mod in LFS. I'll check it in more depth later.

Theres a link to the file with the extension to make it work in LFS attacheded below. Have fun playing around with colour saturation settings and post any interesting configs you might make.

Attached files
lfsdx9bloom.rar - 151.8 KB - 1728 views
Hmm, will check it out
Tested on BL1 in cloudy afternoon. I'm shocked: It isn't all gray any more. Grass looks like grass, trees looks like trees and wait until you see the sandtraps...

(Oh... My... God!)^2

Bloom lighting addon for LFS
(615 posts, started )