I wonder where he gets all his hits from... I post them on LFS forum and he gets more than 5 times the hits I do. His videos are good but thats not going to get you 3000+ views over a period of 3 months.
Well Tarc once mentioned that related videos and youtube search give his vids the main hits =] Also.. drf vids are more popular than race vids xD
Well On topic.. Tarc gets better @ makings vids.. so obviously.. the newer, the more awesome ^_^ next one will probably be off the hook
[rant] Well I can see why they are more popular, also they are much easier to make than racing videos... It's just a shame (for me anyways) that 2 guys drifting for 5 minutes can give you more usable footage than a hour long league race with people running constantly near the WR (for the tires and pressures they are using) all race long... [/rant]
Now that's a pretty good idea... They do have to accept the reply but I'm sure that I can find a few people that would. I was thinking also about trying other big forums that specialize in more than one racing game... I'll try that on some of the up coming projects.
They don't neccesserily have to accept them. One day I noticed there are two video replies, and I had no idea. But yeah, I just checked it with YouTube Insight, that most of the views are from related links (most of them my other vids) or from Youtube Search (but I even saw Tarc, tarcal87 in search queries - not like it is anything worth mentioning in percentage, just good )