Hmmm... I'm all for Gun Control as long as I'm the one in control.
In the US, we HAVE to have access to firearms, it's just that simple.
The port shooting in Australia where 35 people were killed..... how come was the response to take guns away from law abiding people instead of allowing concealed weapons permits? We did that here in Texas after the Luby's Massacre (22 people dead) and haven't had a mass shooting since. Except for when the Gov't came down on the branch davidians.
We also recently passed the Castle law. It gives citizens more leeway when using deadly force to defend themselves. It used to be you had to prove imminent threat to life or property to justify killing the bad guy. It's about the same as before, but now you can blow away a burglar when he is in the act of breaking in, instead of waiting around to see if the scumbag is going to threaten you. Not that Grand juries would indict anyone for doing so before the law was passed, but it protects us now from grand juries that might be inclined to do so to set an example.
I'd be afraid if they did put up prohibitions against firearms here. You'd have all these unregistered and untraceable guns flowing in the streets like narcotics. Gun related crime would go through the roof. and since there would be penalties for having these firearms... alot of cops would probably get shot. LOL you'd have illegal bullets being manufactured next to an abandoned speed lab that would cut through kevlar like a hot knife through butter.
I remember reading somewhere about a woman in California. She was being hassled and threatened by her EX and wanted to purchase a firearm to protect herself. California has a 15 day (?) waiting period from the time of purchase to actually getting the gun. She didn't live the 15 days. Washington DC has one of the stupidest gun control laws in America. It's so bad it's a menace to public safety. If I'm not mistaken, a security guard there was turned down applying for a hand gun (why do you have to ask a criminal for permission to get a gun?) for his job. FOR HIS JOB!!! and was gunned down.
LOL I think anyone in the US that's for gun control has never been a victim and then told by the police, "sorry there's nothing we can do". Hell, I don't even bother with calling them anymore.