The online racing simulator
S2PRO City Cruise MOD - For S2 and DEMO whit license
In English:
Program S2PRO City cruise is a program based on of the LFS_EXTERNAL, made being a program of stroll, the same type of servers as [TC] CityDriving, [LTC] Live You the Cruise, and other more.
The S2PRO City Cruise also functions on S2 version and for version DEMO (DEMO with system of licenses of next patch).

In this version the 1.1 these available commands:

!cash - to see its money accumulated cars - the car that you possess.
!pay - you to pay fine the policemen - ex. !pay 4000
!prices - to see the prices of the cars for purchase
!buy - To buy an car - ex. !buy XRT
!sell - to vender some car that you have bought and you do not want more. - ex. !sell XRT
!send - To send money to some pilot in the server. - ex. !send 5000 jonh.

The S2PRO City Cruise has 4 versions:
For S2 in English
For S2 in Portuguese

For DEMO in English - Work in LFS Y18 or high
For DEMO in Portuguese - Work in LFS Y18 or high

Note: On DEMO MOD only LFS Y18 or high, whit license

Sorry for my english

Em portguês:
O programa S2PRO City cruise é um programa baseado em cima do LFS_EXTERNAL, feito para ser um programa de passeio, do mesmo tipo de servidores como [TC] CityDriving, [LTC] Live To Cruise, e outros mais.
O S2PRO City Cruise funciona na versão S2 e também para versão DEMO (DEMO com sistema de licenças do próximo patch).

Nesta versão 1.1 esta disponível os comandos:

!cash – Para ver o seu dinheiro acumulado
!cars – Os carro que você possui.
!pay – Para você pagar multa aos policiais - ex. !pay 4000
!valor – Para ver o preços dos carros para compra
!buy – Comprar um carro – ex. !buy XRT
!sell - Para vender algum carro que você tenha comprado e não quer mais. – ex. !sell XRT
!send – Enviar dinheiro a algum piloto no servidor. – ex. !send 5000 jonh.

O S2PRO City Cruise tem 4 versões:
Para S2 em inglês
Para S2 em Português

Para DEMO em Inglês - Funciona no LFS Y18 acima
Para DEMO em Português - Funciona no LFS Y18 acima

Obs: No modo DEMO somente funciona no LFS Y18 para cima, pois estes novos patchs foram colocados o sistema de licença demo e assim podendo por o S2PRO City Cruise.
Attached images
Attached files
S2PRO CITY CRUISE - S2 - - 116.2 KB - 1671 views
S2PRO CITY CRUISE - S2 - - 116.2 KB - 763 views
S2PRO CITY CRUISE - DEMO - - 115.5 KB - 831 views
S2PRO CITY CRUISE - DEMO - - 115.6 KB - 493 views
looks good so far, when you want a german translation, please send all english text via pm to me
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :looks good so far, when you want a german translation, please send all english text via pm to me

Tanks, i send on end of day.
Hey, why it doesnt works?
I am started it, process appeared and disappeared in 2 secs...
Finally we demo people get cruise program, good job and continue
Quote from Shadowww :Hey, why it doesnt works?
I am started it, process appeared and disappeared in 2 secs...

Using Vista? XP? Service Packs?
Check this

1º .net framework instaled 2.0 or high
2º in LFS open a chat e say /29999, no password admin.
On dedicated put on CFG "/admin:", no "//admin:" or "/admin: passaword".
The admin only on server, not on for external admin.

I tested run on win. 2003 server, XP x86 and Vista x86.
good job
Quote from Rodrigo-DK :Check this

1º .net framework instaled 2.0 or high
2º in LFS open a chat e say /29999, no password admin.
On dedicated put on CFG "/admin:", no "//admin:" or "/admin: passaword".
The admin only on server, not on for external admin.

I tested run on win. 2003 server, XP x86 and Vista x86.

.NET is 3.5
and what must be admin password?
Must it be in LFS Server dir?

IMO this is pontless. Why not just use the cruise tutorial which worked for me as an InSim tutorial.
Quote from shaun463 :IMO this is pontless. Why not just use the cruise tutorial which worked for me as an InSim tutorial.

Disassemblers are your friend. This IS the cruise tutorial, Just smartened up a bit.

Also, Why not make the admin pass and insim port selectable? It would make it better and easier in the long run.
ok, it worked,
when disconnecting, or anything like that, it doesnt save the cash you have
in the file, it allways stays on 2000
just so you know
for the rest, well done so far!
Just wanna ask? Don't know if you got another account or anything... But what is with the S2 version of the cruise mod? Seeing as how you are only demo? what is the difference between the S2 and Demo mod?
Problem solved
Quote from Matt0snap :Just wanna ask? Don't know if you got another account or anything... But what is with the S2 version of the cruise mod? Seeing as how you are only demo? what is the difference between the S2 and Demo mod?

The difference is that in the S2 you have all the cars, no longer DEMO you has only 3 cars, and from there ve has to make one specifies pra the way DEMO, but the way DEMO alone functions to apartir of the PATCH Y18, that already has the license option DEMO and therefore of the one to have now.
Nice Job, Rodrigo DK!

I remember the days losing cash in your server... =)

But you made it. Now you made a awesome program for City Driving servers. I've to congrat you for this.

To other players, i RECOMMEND download it. DK is a genius! =)

See you all
Quote from kiss me :ok, it worked,
when disconnecting, or anything like that, it doesnt save the cash you have
in the file, it allways stays on 2000
just so you know
for the rest, well done so far!

This program is recommended for dedicated servers, therefore it is everything saved at the moment that if leaves the server, and when you closed the server the S2PRO City Cruise closes together and not safe.
thought so too bad it doesnt work with vb 2008, i cant get it to work via 2008
Quote from kiss me :thought so too bad it doesnt work with vb 2008, i cant get it to work via 2008

It was made in C#, on the basis of the LFS_EXTERNAL aque if he finds here in the forum.
found something, if u buy cars, it doesnt take cash from you, but
Quote from kiss me :thought so too bad it doesnt work with vb 2008, i cant get it to work via 2008

Its C#, And its only a modified version of this
i kno,
now i just need to remember my programming skills, and then i'll have a good start
#24 - PIV

I played once S2 with a license of a friend of mine, and I've been in a server where cops could arrest the other people that was doing mess, like overrating the speed limit or something like that. It also had the function of recording the kilometers that I had made while I was playing in that server.

I've already downloaded this mod and this have only 5 ou 6 functions that the other did. Does someone have another mod or should I learn C# to edit this one ?

Sorry for the bad english

PS: I know I'm demo racer, but I used to play S2 cracked and I'm already earning money to buy S2 oficial because I love it!
Balls of steel PIV