The online racing simulator
FE4 - Mount "Up&Down"
(14 posts, started )
FE4 - Mount "Up&Down"
Hey everyone !

So after a lot of reflection and work I've come up with a brand new layout for Fern Black, on the pattern on a mountain road.
Some people will say that I did nothing to the base track, but actually most of my work had as a major objective to keep the base pace of the track, and modifiying slightly some corners, in order to make this tricky track a bit trickier. I also added barriers at the spots where people tend to f**k up, cut, or use the kerbs in order to make it more intense to drive, with a very few margin error possible.

The track is divided in 6 parts, and, as it names implies, it is in an up & down pattern. This means you'll have to "climb" it up, then go "downhill" in reverse, during approximately 6 minutes (for road cars) of pure fun! It has been tested with all the cars and they go well on it (sometimes formulas' have some problems for the roundabout).
Here's the different parts of the track (see the attached map) :

Alpha & Omega (in orange)

As it names says so, it is the start and the finish line of the race. It is a slow and narrow part with a lot of elevation change in both ways, making it a bit tricky for begginers, and very fun for other drivers.

High Stakes (in blue)

A portion of long straights at high altitude giving a beautiful panorama. These straights will allow more powerful cars to match the lighter, less powerful, cars, and this is where lots of passing actions will take place.

Granite and water (in grey)

A section alternating mid speed corners and midsized straights line, sneaking around a big granite rock, a career, and a bridge.

"The Twister" (in azure)

A small section of technical corners, with a mid space, but no room of error possible.

Highway to hell (in red)

A very long straight line leading to an ultra narrow chicane and hairpin... Don't brake too late, or tonight you'll flirt with the devil!

"The Shaker" (in green)

This part of the track is a succession of midspeed corners and chicane that will for your car to take maximum lateral G-Force! Just hope that your sway bars will survive, and rush in! It leads to the roundabout, making you go the opposite way and visit these areas once again in a different point of view!

Feel free to add any comment about the layout, myself, or any other guy you don't like
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FE4_up&down.lyt - 4 KB - 466 views
Looks good, mind if I edit some parts? I'll repost it?
No sure please do, but send it to me first ^^
This looks like crazy fun, downloading.

Great work!
Hope you'll like it

If the layout is quite popular, I might run some competition on it a bit later (race, drift, whatever), 1vs1 battles with different rules, etc
NICE!!! Just tried it and its awesome. Makes me think of the tracks like bathurst for some reason xD Great stuff.

When I first saw the layout I automaticly thought about a competition too for some reason. Hope it goes well if you do use it for an event.

Nice work
Thanks for your support

Well the way of being fast in that track is how close can you get to the barriers without crashing on them ^^ It's a layout for gutty men
Quote from Zen321 :Well the way of being fast in that track is how close can you get to the barriers without crashing on them

Thanks for sharing this secret. How come nobody else thought of it?
Tried it again with the BF1 and its CRAZY fun lol :P

Off course, at the begining I was crashing all over the place but I got used to it and its crazy when you go through the second turn/chicane full speed really close to those wall :P
Quote from Moonclaw :Thanks for sharing this secret. How come nobody else thought of it?

Well, I guess you didn't, because of your warmful thank
#11 - Osco
I like it
Quote from Zen321 :Thanks for your support

Well the way of being fast in that track is how close can you get to the barriers without crashing on them ^^ It's a layout for gutty men

may i use this on my "Layout" server?
Yeah sure, feel free to use it, it's a public layout
Looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too bad cant play on that..............

FE4 - Mount "Up&Down"
(14 posts, started )