The online racing simulator
How to shift the FBM with mouse steering
In patch Y is the shifting very hard, it wont work when throttle fully down. This is very hard to handle when using Mouse XY Axis in Wheel setup. What can i do, is there a ability for automatic lift throttle while shifting??
#2 - garph
Quote from matze54564 :In patch Y is the shifting very hard, it wont work when throttle fully down. This is very hard to handle when using Mouse XY Axis in Wheel setup.

That's the point, it's supposed to be difficult/more realistic.
Quote from matze54564 :What can i do, is there a ability for automatic lift throttle while shifting??

There is no auto lift, you'll just have to get better at shifting.

Getting a wheel would help, obviously, but thats up to you and your wallet.
#3 - aoun
I used to use KB/Mouse..

Gas - W
Brake - S
Clutch - Space
Handbrake - Q
Gear up - Left mouse button
Gear down - right mouse button
Steer - mouse

Its the easiest way. Very similar feeling to shooting games like COD or CS. One hand on the KB, one on the mouse. Shouldnt have any problems there.
Quote from aoun :Its the easiest way. Very similar feeling to shooting games like COD or CS. One hand on the KB, one on the mouse. Shouldnt have any problems there.

But you cant drive with half 45% throttle and 30% Brake and next corner 45-25% Brake and some other corner with 70% Throttle. Thats the problem, and this is why i use the mouse y Axis for throttle and brake. I hope the developers change it in the next version of LFS, because i dont want buy a wheel.
Quote from matze54564 :But you cant drive with half 45% throttle and 30% Brake and next corner 45-25% Brake and some other corner with 70% Throttle. Thats the problem, and this is why i use the mouse y Axis for throttle and brake. I hope the developers change it in the next version of LFS, because i dont want buy a wheel.

use separate buttons for gas and brake? when i used mouse i used:

Left mouse click - Gas
Right mouse click - Brake
C - Clutch
S - Shift Up
A - Shift Down
Space - Handbrake
Mouse - Steer

and i think the FBM can change gear if its over revving
#6 - garph
Quote from matze54564 : I hope the developers change it in the next version of LFS, because i dont want buy a wheel.

They won’t. The idea is that LFS is used with a wheel, the devs do their best for keyboards, mouse users and joy pads but only up to a point. Just like you don't want to buy a wheel the devs don't want loose or stray from the goal of making LFS a realistic as they can.

Saying that you don't want a wheel will mean that you will miss out on experiencing what LFS can fully offer, but thats your choice.
Quote from matze54564 :But you cant drive with half 45% throttle and 30% Brake and next corner 45-25% Brake and some other corner with 70% Throttle. Thats the problem, and this is why i use the mouse y Axis for throttle and brake. I hope the developers change it in the next version of LFS, because i dont want buy a wheel.

If you don't want to buy a wheel for a game that is meant to be a simulation of real life, I don't see your logic in complaining. I think its bloody brilliant that the dev's have even implimented the mouse/keyboard controls so well, people can drive storming laps with them, you just need to practice and get used to it.
i doit like this left mouse for gas rhit mouse for bake and the middel mouse shit up and x shit down
I use mouse and keyboard and have no problems while shifting in the FBM, although i don't like to drive it.
Anyway my keys are:

Gas - E
Brake - W
Clutch - Q
Handbrake - Space
Gear up - Left mouse button
Gear down - right mouse button
Steer - mouse
Quote from matze54564 :In patch Y is the shifting very hard, it wont work when throttle fully down. This is very hard to handle when using Mouse XY Axis in Wheel setup. What can i do, is there a ability for automatic lift throttle while shifting??

learn maybe? i can easily do it and ive never used that silly mouse xy setup before
Dude, driving a single seater with mouse is not easy to begin with.
About the shifting, just lift whatever button you use to throttle and change guear, then back to throttle. With practice you'll get it. There's no other way. You could put automatic guear but it's slower - and i might add - not as much fun.

I use these keys, when driving with the mouse:
Throttle - left mouse button
Brake - right mouse button
Steer - mouse
Shift up - A
Shift down - Z
Automatic clutch, otherwise space
Handbrake - S
What I do is hold down the shift up button (right button on my mouse) before I want to shift. When I lift the throttle it changes into gear. It means I don't have to time the click... It's not an auto shift but it stops me missing gears
Quote from matze54564 :What can i do, is there a ability for automatic lift throttle while shifting??

Use Mouse Joystick (only for users Windows XP)
I have (really mouse MIME 3.0):
- axis steer
- axis throttle
- axis brake
- axis Hbrake
- axis clutch (!!!)
- shift u/d
- ignition
- speed limiter
and more more...I d't use keyboard for control the cars.
P.S. throttle lift automatic while shifting... when I want do it. ) , but gear NO auto ))
Attached images
Mouse Joy.JPG
Mouse Joy_2.JPG
Attached files
test clutch FBM.spr - 17.5 KB - 290 views
What they could do is to set 2 separate options for button frequency. like theres a button frequency that ranges from 0.0 to 4.0, they could just divide this option in 2 other ones: On press Button Frequency On Release Button Frequency that means when acceleratin (pressing) you can set a slow frequency for more control, and a high frequency for when its released, that way the gas lifts faster and you shift your gear faster. i had this problem like 1 week ago but now... this is the secret... the big one... i bought a wheel.
Quote from aIM BLR :Use Mouse Joystick (only for users Windows XP)
I have (really mouse MIME 3.0):

What's the mouse joystic???
Quote from Ulisse :What's the mouse joystic???

Free soft. Work with driver's standart game port (hardware game port not use).
Minimum necessary:
1. Jmouse.msi *
2. DXTweak(2) for tuning.*
* Instruction settings jconfig and DXTweak for LFS (knowhow)
P.S. Windows Vista not support game port ((
Ok, thanks.
Exists a guide for Mouse Joystick?

I have installed the software but in lfs- options-controls-wheel/joystick: "not controllers detected"
Quote from Ulisse :Ok, thanks.
Exists a guide for Mouse Joystick?

I have installed the software but in lfs- options-controls-wheel/joystick: "not controllers detected"

Are you have game port? If yes, start jcofig.exe (C:\Program Files\B&Bh\Mouse Joystick)
After. ADD Mouse Joystick in Control Panel/Game Devices and calibrate this device (not use buttons mouse in calibration). And LFS see Mouse Joystick.
After. Start DXTweak2.exe and tune.
After. LFS and calibration.
After... new WR.
Mouse Joystick create for avia simulator IL-2, but i apply for LFS. Guide is my article for application MJ in LFS on russian only. Guide for Mouse Joystick only russian too.
Attached images
Device Manager.GIF

I would want to separate button control rate throttle/brake.
Is it possible?
Quote from Ulisse :Thanks

I would want to separate button control rate throttle/brake.
Is it possible?

Throttle/brake is axis and button control rate not give effect this. Give effect Thr/brk Centre Reduction, but i recommend not use this in LFS and let alone (0). Centre Reduction adjust in DXTweak2.exe separatly for throttle and brake. It's very good idea. In DXTweak2 you can create profiles for other auto. Apply profile in DXT not demand calibration in LFS.
But if you apply another settings in jconfig, I must know this.

Rules calibration in LFS:
1.Control-> Axes/FF.
2.Press Recalibrate axes.
3.2-3 time move mouse axes X and Y full diapason, scroll move forward/back on four click and fix clutch full or none.
4.Press Lock.
5.Press Recalibrate axes again!
6.2-3 time move mouse axes X and Y full diapason, don't move scroll, d't move I say!!!
7. Lock.
8. Go!
Attached images
wow, i wont even buy lfs until i get a g25 cuz i want the best possible experience and i have a DFP right now... but an s2 with a mouse and keyboard? at least you coule pick up a gamepad for 10 bucks off of ebay or something...
Left Mousebutton = Gas
Right Mousebutton = Brake
C = Clutch
S = Shift down
W = Shift up
Space = Handbrake

Works very well with manual clutch!
Quote from screama :Left Mousebutton = Gas
Right Mousebutton = Brake

Race 1 hour or more. How are health your hand?
screw mouse buy a wheel.