As #4 is gone lost, due to the problems of Frank500 I set the LFSCART server (#2) to the normal oval now... the past 12 h it was on oval chicane, now it is on oval with the Kyoto 300 layout (means: normal Oval, just with cones on the inside of the Pit Entry / Exit)
I just finished watching the race replay. I turn off race comments durring the race so as not to be distracted. I'm surprised and pissed off by some of the comments made by Mr O'Keefe in regards to my driving abilities. Especially when i saw 2 incidents where he was at fault. If there is a consensus as to my inability to participate i would like to know now so as not to waste your time nor mine.
I would like to inform you and everyone else that I watched your performance in the race today and was quite impressed. I saw nothing wrong, and did not see you cause any incidents.
Also, congratulations on being the first (and so far only) to meet the minimum official practice sessions. Now, just upload a hotlap of under 38s to LFSW and you could be the first to be a confirmed entry !
everything is okey again. There were some problems with server four. 500servers chrashed, and all servers were called 500servers, and the settings were deleted. It was not literaly gone lost, but it was not avaidable at this point of time.
and, yeah... everything is fine. I just was surprised. Normally you post at least one thing (wich i notice) a day, and then, there was nothing, neither on the teamserves... nothing more then a surprise...
FRO have servers with two of the major hosts to insure against such situations. But when your backup plans also start falling over, time to do something ourselves.
Don't worry, LFSCART will have the fastest, most reliable servers we can get.
See you on the servers falke, should be back on tomorrow during the day.
There will be an officially sanctioned Hour-long Free Practice session on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 at 21:30 UTC.
This is a good opportunity to work on your setups, take pitstop practice, practice slipstreaming, or meet the lap requirements if you are still short.
Afterwards, there will be a 25-lap officially sanctioned race for kicks and giggles, and because we bloody well can !
Post in this thread if you're able to make it. If I get enough "signups" I might scrap the hour FP and make it a 50-lap race after qualifying (which would be done in Kyoto 500 format).
^ dw Falke - there will be more at times more suited to Europeans. This one happens to be at this time because I'm not around (I presume Joe is doing something) and so Deko is organising it, and he's not home from work/class until quite late. We will be having another weekend one soon
I could do it better. It is 22:30 then, 21:30 in UK. Qualify + 50 laps are definately capable for me. It is still late, but as it is the earliest point in time, it is ok.