The online racing simulator
Quote from Taavi(EST) :ya, the enbconvertor rocks, fps sucks, though.

In these two pictures, the car has a very realistic shadow, very dark, and does not "float" like usually. There is even a reflection on the road which has the color of the car. Amazing.

Is it an edited screenshot, or coming from this addon??
Quote from Taavi(EST) :ya, the enbconvertor rocks, fps sucks, though.

what settings are you using? amazing pictures!
These were done with the convertor and the dll file from crysis. They are not edited in photoshop. Fps is like 2 though. With normal dx8 bloom settings i get over a 100 fps.
hmm interesting
could you upload this dll?
Or else I might need to go through the pain of actually installing Crysis again.
Lol, no need to install crysis, all the required files are here
Just download the convertor, then download the crysis files, put both of them in lfs directory. Open the .ini file that came with the crysis .rar. Replace the UseEffect=0 line with UseEffect=1. And voila, your fps is now maximum of 7 frames per second, if you get more, i hate you.
Ekar, could you upload both the ini file and dll file please? I'm not sure if the dll file becomes changed in some way, because when I use your settings, I get mental bloomage.

Gnomie has the best screenies IMO. It'd be great if I could get it looking like that. I Know you posted your ini settings Gnomie, but could you post the dll as well? Cheers (
Attached images
Quote from Taavi(EST) :voila, your fps is now maximum of 7 frames per second, if you get more, i hate you.

i loled at that!
Quote from Taavi(EST) :Lol, no need to install crysis, all the required files are here
Just download the convertor, then download the crysis files, put both of them in lfs directory. Open the .ini file that came with the crysis .rar. Replace the UseEffect=0 line with UseEffect=1. And voila, your fps is now maximum of 7 frames per second, if you get more, i hate you.

i have a brand new pc, crysis works kinda smooth on very high (execpt for very specific buggy parts) and in lfs i have 2 fps with this crysis patch and it looks buggy, i dont think it has anything to do with PC power.. its just buggy (can see through walls and stuff)

i like the new bloom addon very much....i use it very softly....imo it looks more realistic...great stuff.....

i will post my settings soon...

have to explore it a little more....


@ Taavi(EST)

how did u get this to work....i tryed but nothing but failures like invisible parts n stuff......

i got a 8600GT.....any hints?

-.- great improvements every week -.-

GO ON ...:lfs:
Quote from DaveWS :Ekar, could you upload both the ini file and dll file please? I'm not sure if the dll file becomes changed in some way, because when I use your settings, I get mental bloomage.

Gnomie has the best screenies IMO. It'd be great if I could get it looking like that. I Know you posted your ini settings Gnomie, but could you post the dll as well? Cheers (


I'm attaching the files that I used for those screenies. Apparently they end up looking different for different people.. I use both AA and AF with no problem.
Attached files
bloom.rar - 109.5 KB - 584 views
Quote from rap-tea-kewl :i have a brand new pc, crysis works kinda smooth on very high (execpt for very specific buggy parts) and in lfs i have 2 fps with this crysis patch and it looks buggy, i dont think it has anything to do with PC power.. its just buggy (can see through walls and stuff)

Don't worry about that, i got that crap also, the reason is that the dll isn't optimized for lfs, we would need to contact Boris to look into this and write us some shaders in DX9.

@itsphilthy: I have a 8600gt also, and i also get the invisible walls on some occasions.
Won't start, i have a black screen. In the upper left corner ist something with vice city.
One thing you have to remember is that everyone's screen is set up differently, so what looks good to you might look absolutely horrible to someone or everyone else.
I love it; looks great to me.

Dawn of the Death: I get a message saying something like "GTA Vice City" when I open the game in the upper left corner. I can still play fine, though.
the screenshots of Taavi(EST) look amazing,

it seems like this addon tries to calculate radiosity (the reddish color on the track around the car), which would explain the fps drop.
Quote from Dawn of the Death :Won't start, i have a black screen. In the upper left corner ist something with vice city.

That happens because you have AA activated. Try this one or just try the new one, which is still in progress

Thanks for your explanation Bramski
I have been trying the new mod and the only interesting thing I have discovered is the reason why some people suffer fsp drops: with this mod the game sucks more than 300mb of vram
...Do you hate THAT much modem-users?
#271 - STF
lol, you better upload the files, don`t use IMG tags.. it`s taking forever to load. (even at 100mbps bandwidth)
Looks silly and unrealisitic, can't cope with AA and blooms the menus.
Quote :Ekar, could you upload both the ini file and dll file please?

Dave, here you go. Screen attached as example.
Attached images
Attached files - 123.1 KB - 816 views
Quote from ajp71 :Looks silly and unrealisitic, can't cope with AA and blooms the menus.

The Shift+Backspace combo disables it, which is good for those "in menu" situations.

I didn't mind E-Kar's ini settings, (thanks BTW, I found it last week here), it was less bloomy than the default so was sorta reasonable. The dark areas seemed darker and it all felt a little more dirty and realistic. The foggy look was becomming annoying in some cases (5% of the time it went over bloom and foggy). Switching back to normal and everything looks clean, bright and clinical . But I lost about 5-6FPS using this bloom and when your lucky to get 40-60FPS then the effect to me is not worth the loss of smooth frames.
Thank you! its the same plugin of GTR2!

Bloom lighting addon for LFS
(615 posts, started )