The online racing simulator
New Cruising Server need player
Quote from matze54564 :I have found a new cruising server [MCC]Cruise.
Why are there always no players? The insim and layout is good made.

Because it is empty, that's why.

When I hosted a cruising server, it was always empty, unless I join it and wait about 5 minutes. Someone will always pop up.
Perhaps there are too many cruise servers for people to choose from. Buy GTA4, go on free-roam with your mates, its much for fun, you get guns and everything!
Big cruisers are already playing on an another cruise server like LTC(it's down ATM)TC & CLC so it's pretty hard to get regular people on a new cruise server.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Perhaps there are too many cruise servers for people to choose from. Buy GTA4, go on free-roam with your mates, its much for fun, you get guns and everything!

I want GTA 4 so bad but its not for PC but i got GTA SA but its kinda laggy and if i want it smooth the graphics are crap but i'll live with it i just don't want to do the missions i just want to free roam. Ooops i'm off topic so sorry
#7 - VoiD
pay me some cash and I´ll join.
Quote from VoiD :pay me some cash and I´ll join.

that pretty much sums it up for me too.
/me gives you all some cruising crash and chases you to death with a police car flashing his strobe lights and honking the most irritating horn
GTA argument ? For one I dont want a buy a consol for one game.

I play cruise servers in LFS cause the physic engine rules over any other car game. I try other games but then feel ill with the lame tyre physics. It takes 1 or so day to get good at driving in games like GTA cause the physics are so mediocre and it never gets harder after that. I never get tired of the physics in LFS 'cause it's really hard and needs proper skill.

Why can't the racing purists realise this is why we cruisers like to play LFS and will prefer to play in a game we love even if we aren't doing exactly what is designed to do. Whats the big problem? We are having fun enjoying the realism of LFS, we don't have oodles of cash to spend on real life cars and do the things we want to do, like have cops chases, do missions, mini street races, burnout comps, donuts whatever. Is there something in the ULA I missed that says you must only play LFS for racing ONLY and never for any other types of enjoyment?

And FWIW IIRC the main cruise creator/designer (RayFighter) actually bugged the Devs to get the /canreset=yes fixed. So don't pull the "cruisers make lame requests" excuse. They (newbies) do occasionally make un-informed requests, like pit repairs in random spots and uneccesary stuff unreleated to racing like traffic lights, but alot of players either racing/drifting/cruisers all occasionally make retarded requests. Thats just ppl in general not understanding whats involved. Why are so many ppl acting like cruising is destroying LFS or something?

Cruising is not going to go away unless the Devs ban it, so just get over it. Go have a race or do something constructive. Let people have their own fun if it isn't directly effecting you.

And if the topic offends you, well maybe read the thread title, and decide before clicking it if it relates to you. Maybe there should be a cruise subforum or something in the leagues sections. I dunno. If that's gonna inflict a blow on the forums then sporadic threads will apear. Chuck 'em in off topic if its such a major insult to LFS. People were cruising before crusie servers appeared, now it's a little more 'popular' now it's tall poppy syndrome.

As for this server advertised in the thread. It's practically identical to ours, except missing extended features. Works the same, nothing new really. Even the price list format was ripped off. Copied stuff right down to the messages for most things. Practically a clone of whats already out there. Why re-invent the wheel? A dissapointment really, layout objects also crooked. What can we expect next? Bank added and coins quest riight? Oh wait single seaters included.
Quote from JasonJ :Why re-invent the wheel?

Maybe because of the differences. But i guess nobody want cruising with single seaters. I am maybe the only one...
Quote from matze54564 :Maybe because of the differences. But i guess nobody want cruising with single seaters. I am maybe the only one...

You can drive FOX and FBM on LTC. However, I don't get what single-seaters has to do with cruising (Simulating "normal driving"). Neither I understand GTR cars.
Quote from JasonJ :As for this server advertised in the thread. It's practically identical to ours, except missing extended features. Works the same, nothing new really. Even the price list format was ripped off. Copied stuff right down to the messages for most things. Practically a clone of whats already out there. Why re-invent the wheel? A dissapointment really, layout objects also crooked. What can we expect next? Bank added and coins quest riight? Oh wait single seaters included.

It's a server where you drive around to earn money. Wow, the resemblance is uncanny.

You could say that every cruise server is a copy of each other, as they're essentially the same thing. But that's slander, so you can't

As for the layout items being robbed, I'm sorry LFS doesn't have an infinite amount of barrier types. If you want a solid barrier, there's only one. It's not like someone physically stole a barrier from CLC...
Yep, There are too many, it would be okay just to have the 3 big 1s (clc, ltc and tc) and not more, but now it seems every week a new cruising server is popping up.
Now online is northeast-cruise for cruising with a BF1.
Why do you make more and more cruising servers? We have a lot already, I'm always on CLC when I have time to cruise.
"Cruising with BF1"... Oh please. It is like raping a chicken using a cork-screw. What next? Flight simulator using dragons..?
Can I food on Burgerking there?