Same, although my dad threw away the fecking letter so I missed the damn local election. I just wish they would realise that CCTV captures a crime happening, it doesn't prevent it. What do they say to the parents of a child thats stabbed to death on a night out clubbing..."umm well Mrs Smith, the officer who is usually on the beat in that area was operating the CCTV, but we have a tape of it, do you want a copy?"
WW1 would of been better with lasers, and the starwars soundtrack.
According to the figures crime is falling under labour, more criminals than ever are in our gaols. Sadly producing these figures have resulted in policemen spending most of their time doing the ever more rigged-paperwork to satisfy political targets than actually policing, but that is the facts. These are glory days for our police force, apparently.
It makes little difference to how safe I feel because I know there is always room for biggots in society so i'm going to get attacked again sooner or later, and when it happens I know i'll either deal it back or go down and collect another scar, that's the choice extremists such as the BNP make for me whenever I go out me front door.
Just because we've got a few extremist nutters from another culture floating about in the world does not give us the right to do the same thing, even when they come here.
I find it very alarming looking at the results from my local council. The traditional Labour areas are under real threat from the BNP, although I think the very low turn out masks the actual views of those areas. Still if people don't bother voting they've got no right to complain when a bunch of fascists come to burn them.
The biggest problem is that Labour has listened to all the people saying its the government that needs to fix everything. If your kid steals a car or mugs an old lady its not Tony Blairs fault, or Gordon Browns, its your fault for being a shit parent. Society is so afraid these days that you can't tell off a kid in the street for being rude in fear of being called a pervert. You can't tackle a mugger running off with an old ladies purse incase you hurt them and get put in jail for GBH. You tell the guy who had his head caved in, outside the newsagents I used to work in, that crime has gone down. The guy got hit around the head with a bike chain by a 14 year old, totally unprovoked attack, the guy was just coming in to buy some milk so his wife could have a cup of ****ing tea.
Crime isnt decreasing, its shifting, now there is a lot more anti-social crime than ever before. The cause of that is criminals being given too many rights, and police officers not being trusted to do their jobs.
You know what Tristan, I thought you were a resonable sensisible and inteilligent guy, but I don't even know where to start with that comment .
Lest we forget the total and utter pile of shite the conservatives were in the 80's and 90's, privatising anything and everything, the poll tax, the recession, the massive amounts of unemployment, riots, people losing their houses left right and centre.
Maybe from your privilidged upbringing the era under the conseratives looked rosy, but believe me, my upbringing living under conservative power was far from rosy.
The conservatives ruined the country, they started us on the slipperly slope, and to think any government, labour or otherwise can get us out of the shit is pure madness.
I hope the conservatives do get in power, lets see just how much better they can make the country
My parents lost their house under the conservatives, I would never vote for them. They are mostly a bunch of toffs that want to gain power to fill their own pockets with the kind of green that won't save the planet.
I hear exactly what your saying there, I run a newsagents in the evenings most nights a week, and the level of anti-social violence is higher than ever. Barely a day goes by when there's not an incident of some sort, and its rare a week will go by without having to get the police out or having to call contractors to sort out windows and the like. Someone causes damage to property and I have so few choices of action its laughable, someone starts mouthing off to staff and the best I can do is try to keep the peace till the police turn up, and they do roughly nothing, just diffuse it till next time. If I take any further action, I'm risking my job and spending a night at her majesty's pleasure. God help them the day one of them actually takes a swing at someone in my shop though.
And this is down in a fairly remote, medium sized town in Devon.
What is it then? I'm interested to know why it seems like ALL people who think they have a racial axe to grind ALWAYS start their sentences with "I'm not racist but.." and then go off into some racially motivated whinge or slur. Is it that they know that what they want to say is distasteful and offensive to the majority of people, but they just can't help themselves and HAVE to say it, knowing how disgusted people will be?
Lots of white people are very good at producing babies left right and centre. You also might like to note that a large portion of these evil immigrants are white.
He's clearly not a terribly bright spark then. Presumably he fought for the British Empire, which whilst not a terribly PC club was mainly made up of non-pure white English people.
Yes stop paying for pure white English people to watch Sky all day (and stop them suing their council when they stub their toe).
Agreed (it is legal immigrants who do the jobs we won't).
Given the fact we used to control a quarter of the globe in a rather un-democratic fashion I don't think you've got any right to complain that these people are allowed to live in our country, they're very nice people and I have never felt (or been) threatened by an Asian, which I certainly can't say about 'pure English' whites. I live in a city where whites Asians and Poles can live happily side by side on the same street in a genuinely relaxed multi-cultural manner. There are areas of my city which are largely white which have all manner of problems with anti-social behaviour, which by chance happen to be the areas with high BNP vote (and half the turnout of the evil multi-cultural Lib Dem and Tory voting areas).
It was ment to be a generaliseation, I wasnt picking on them in particualar, I was giving them as an example.
I agree, I get on with asians etc etc myself. Have a few good friends who are non english. Ive had more trouble with english people then of other races. Im just saying, The other races that are only here for malicious intent, Need to be got rid of.
Also, Can this thread Please go back on topic, If not I will request it be locked.
As far as I'm concerned the world would be a better place if the BNP (and similar wastes of carbon) were to take a very long stroll off a very short pier in to a very deep sea of very concentrated sulphuric acid.
There's no such thing as pure English/British people, end of. Since the Ice Age there was immigration here, and it's continued ever since.
Things are going downwards, but that's a bit of an exaggeration.
It's not afro-carribean people that are coming to the UK, it's mainly from Central Europe (e.g. Poland). I feel sure that your beloved Daily Mail hasn't told you that half of those who arrived since they joined the EU have gone back or have plans to do so.
He fought to stop a genocidal maniac, not "for Pure English" people. Given that forces from parts of what was then the British Empire fought under the same command, that argument holds as much water as a mesh condom.
By definition they are difficult to find. Surely it would be better to have an amnesty for those that who are already in here to allow them to contribute.
How? I admit there are some problems with the tax system, but how exactly.
Initially it was sensible, but the zone is expanding. Freeze the zone and keep the pricing how it was when it started.
Well, it seems very relevent to the thread, which is about the shift from extreme left wing to extreme right wing politics across Britain, which is what Ken out and Boris in represents.
The BNP asked its voters to vote for Boris Johnson as their 2nd choice, so that's an extra 70,000 votes. Johnson rejected the BNP vote, though. I think if he hadn't, his campaign would have died on the spot.
Like Kev, I've always voted Libs when I've voted. The only time I didn't was in the last election (before this), because we had to vote tactically to prevent the BNP getting a seat here. It was a genuine threat. It would have been bad if that hadn't worked.
How to choose who to vote for? You don't have to vote (but I encourage those who can vote to do so, just to stop racist twats getting in, the mad the bad and the sad will turn up), but select the person who is least incompetant.
First of all, let no-one tell you who to vote for, it's you're vote, thats the beauty of democracy. However I do plead that you use you're vote, and use it wisely. Don't just walk in and select any odd candidate.
Secondly don't ever...ever vote for me. I'm not corrupt enough to be in politics.