Judge any party or politician on past actions, not future promises. And don't believe any wild claims made in political literature without checking the facts for yourself - this is an especially salient point with regard to BNP leaflets.
Since when did suicide bombers become a race? Terrorism has its root in ideology, not race. If you're worried about terrorism, you should vote for a government with a sensible foreign policy. That would do far more to curb any (perceived) terrorist threat than limiting immigration.
Right on! Unfortunately, having done some research, I'm finding that there is an active and potentially very influential lobby group established in the UK for each of the main parties. Not even one US-style AIPAC group.. one EACH for the UK parties. Very directed political lobbying IMO.
I do think this country has some serious issues with immigration, crime and the general youth culture. I don't believe voting for the BNP will do any good for the country, but I do see it as a protest vote so that the bigger parties might wake up and see that their is a problem. I live in Bradford, we have one of the highest amount of immigrants in the country, and something needs to be done to fix this problem, if i had fought in the World wars, i would be sick to see how this country has turned out.
I'm not against immigration, but im against the government providing them with a house, new phone, car, benefits etc... if you don't have the cash or a job you shouldn't be allowed to stay, like other countries do.
Not every white trash girl off the estate is gonna shag a black bloke at 14.
He fought for the ayrians and saxons on the side of the nazi's? Or on the same side as the Indians and South Africans?
Say hi to the Maori's whilst your there, it is, afterall, their country.
1st generation Asian and Pakistanis, or 4th generation? At what point do we become British? Seeing as our country (which is in fact 4 countries) is a unification of earlier dukedoms and the like, and has been subject to invasion and immigration since before the birth of Christ. I meen, should we start asking people who descend from the Roman invasion to move out? Or perhaps we should raw the line a millenia later to the Norman invasion and get rid of those pesky Frenchies in the aristocracy, especially the ones who married German Hapsburgs! Define what exactly is a pure blood Brit, and I say Brit very carefully, because i'm Welsh-English-Scottish-Republic of Ireland. At least, for the last few hundred years that covers my lineage...
Also bear in mind that a lot of the people you are referring to where once part of the British Empire and many moved to Britain in order to stay part of it, like the Indian soldiers who fought on our side during the war who arent given a war pension, but instead have to sit idly by whilst pensions are given to a small group of rebels who "fought for independance" ie: for the nazi's. (shame on India for that one btw).
India was the jewel in the crown of the British empire, they may now be independent, but there is common ground between our nations, and sometimes even common blood.
You know, I knew a Pakistani girl when I was at school who's father owned the stereotypical corner shop. I was with her one day when some biggots shouted abuse at her, "Aren't you going to say something back?" I asked, 'No' she said, 'one day they might be customers'.
If you want to make a protest, spoil your ballot. They have to count and report the number of spoiled ballots.
Oh the old "Illegal immigrants get luxury flats and free mobile phones" story. I haven't heard that one for a couple of years - I assumed even the thickest people had finally realised what a load of complete bollocks it was.
No kidding. They get absolutely bugger all, and that IS a fact!
People hear these bollox "factoids" and repeat them. They don't bother to check if they're true or not. Probably they prefer not to check, because the "factoid" suits their purpose.. it feeds the paranoia.
Just out of curiosity how many suicide bombers have we had over here? And in the same time period how many covert operations have our special forced been involved in over seas?
I live in Worcester, which has turned into mini-Poland because they're all coming here due to the positive response they've been getting from the community, including the veterans who no doubt are dependent on the services they provide for them. Having said that this is not an area that has lost (or failed to get over loosing) any major industry.
We're equally entitled to move to another EU country and claim their benefits. The fact that our benefit system is so ridiculously easy to flog says far more about internal policy and the majority of the abusers rather than the small minority of benefit seeking migrants.
To be honest, having spent the last 20 minutes reading the BNP web site, I'm extremely happy to declare myself a non-native, Christian, liberal, Muslim, gay, Jew, and will be heading for the shores the minute my free mobile arrives.
It's incredible to hear some of you guys (Mcgas etc) whinging about immigration when basically the primal thrust of your civilization (historically) has been about expansion and colonisation. You may feel slightly discomforted having to share some street space with 'the pakistanis and asians', or worried about mobile phones and apartments, but you guys have taken over WHOLE COUNTRIES!
And while we were at it, we gave them the concepts of currency, a justice system, railways, machinery, sewerage, steam power... to be quite frank, the list is huge.
True, we also screwed up some countries, and created some more (*cough*Iraq*cough) that have been a little bothersome since.
You win some, you lose some. But the British Empire brought plenty good to the world, as well as some bad things.
Curiously enough, that's what a lot of people think about Mussolini's rule in Italy. He did a lot of good things, too... and he even tried to start an Empire, but we all know he was a good man with good intentions, don't we?
Exactly, how many other flags do you see the Polish flag appear on? You just look at the flags of the world and see how many union jacks you can count. Our country was built on immigration and exploitation of other countries resources.
People are also correct to say that if you choose not to vote then you have no right to complain about the government. People died for their right to vote, its a sacred right in this country, not something to be ignored. Every vote counts, every single person can make a difference. This was demonstrated brilliantly by one of my ex girlfriends when I was 15 and in an english class. She said something during a speech and there was a big pause, it was something like "put your hands up if you are interested in politics" 1 person put up their hand, then about 10 more people followed after seeing that. The point being it took that 1 person to say they were interested, for everyone else to see that it was ok and that they could put their hand up too.
In my opinion not enough people vote for the Liberals because they are the only ones that would actually change anything, and people are scared of change.
I'll explain it with a comparison. White men take Africa, and take tubercolosis with them. Tubercolosis is destroyed in the civilized world, then there is immigration. Tubercolosis comes back where it belongs.
The same thing happened to citizens of the Commonwealth: they could have a British passport (I don't know as of now). So what Electric Kar said was spot on.
The British Empire was well within the lifetime of the parents of current British citizens of Asian origin. They chose to move to this country following the fall of the British Empire with the promise of jobs and a warm welcome in a post war Britain. We still owe a huge amount of respect to them, in the same way we respect our veterans. Other than the historical aspect immigrants are hugely important on a cultural, economic and social basis. If we kicked them all out we'd be left with a load of grumpy old men who had it tough but who found it difficult to get on with life following shifts in industry and didn't want to learn new skills and do the jobs the immigrants took (who now support protest parties), plenty of useless chavs who lack the social skills to be useful contributers to society and a middle class whose businesses would fail without migrant workers.
Surely isolating areas and leaving them to suffer from things we don't in the "civilized world" is a shitty thing to do. If you want to cure something, cure it world wide. I'm sure you have British toffs going to Africa for their gap year giving superbugs caught in our hospitals to people over there, and in Africa they wouldn't have a hope in hell of treating them.
EDIT: By the way this thread is a great way of getting some proper political discussion under the moderators radar, who cares what people are listening to or eating now, this is the proper use of a forum!
I'm not bothered about, ashamed of, or nostalgic of the British empire. In the same way I dont hold my German friend accountable for WW2, i'm pretty sure she was born after it. What matters more is the future.
I for one am happy to see immigration continue in Britain, what is of more concern for Europe is the problem of emmigration in Poland, Romania and the like - which is currently being starved of working age citizens flocking to Western Europe because of the disparity in income now that they are part of Europe.
That is actually a bigger problem than us getting cheap seamstresses and security guards, and if the BNP want to bring a halt to immigration, the solution they should be looking for lies in solving emmigration in other countries. Helping another country wouldnt be in our national interest though would it? Gotta help yourself before you help others afterall...
This is the part of the thread where duke_toaster would make a post stating that this idea is worthy of ridicule. However, he had to go back home in order to get a mask used when spraying grout sealant due to the sheer stench of bullsh*t.