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Logitech G25 - Throttle Spiking
Hi all! well, unfortunately, my throttle started spiking today . As I press the pedal halfway, it starts going nuts. I've tried reinstalling the drivers, recalibrating the wheel in LFS, tried it in other sims but the problem is still there. I wanted to ask if there is any way I can fix this?


I've attached a replay with the problem.
Attached files
Leprekaun_KY2_FZR.spr - 35.6 KB - 657 views
if you have warranty left try to contact logitech and request for a replacement, maybe you have to send the pedals in..

give it a try
Did you manage to fix the problem? My throttle has started acting up as well.

EDIT: fixed it. I had to open my pedal case anyway to slice off a few mm from the nixim brake mod. While I was in there I removed a whole lot of dust and crap from the pots, although I didn't unscrew and properly clean them. However now it's working as new again!
Well, the problem is back. The throttle is spiking again, although not quite as bad as before. It's getting annoying though, so I want to fix it if possible.

How do I clean the pots? Is there a tutorial somewhere that I might use? Do I need a lot of equipment? Maybe it's cheaper to buy new ones..?
I had the same problem(actually i still have it).

The 1st time it occurred I oped the whole thing and cleaned up from dust etc.

The 2nd time(which was a few weeks ago) I opened it again, cleaned it but the problem isn't totally fixed.
Thanks guys! Race King, did you pry apart the POT itself, or did you just clean it from the outside (like I did)?

Last time I opened my pedal case I didn't notice how the POTs are actually attached. Are they screwed in place..? I guess I'll find out when I open it again. I just want to do this without taking apart too much.. I don't have much tools, but hopefully I'll manage with what I have or what I can borrow.

What sort of stuff would you recommend for cleaning them? Some kind of electrical contact cleaner or something?

Mine have started now Most annoying is when im on full throttle sometimes it will cut back the throttle a little bit for a split second.

I don't fancy opening the pedals as ill likely break something.
You're kidding me that G25's are also affected by this? Logitech are really useless at making proper pedals.. ffs
Gotta say I've had 2 G25's (first one's shifter broke) and both pedal units have been great quality in terms of durabilty..

My current set (approaching 2 years old now I think) and apart from the Clutch pedal slightly spiking around 10% travel (fine above that), it's fine. And that's only caused by the cable being pushed against the wall.

Which may be the problem here. Round the cable with your hand as they may have become crimped if your pedalset is against the wall.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Gotta say I've had 2 G25's (first one's shifter broke) and both pedal units have been great quality in terms of durabilty..

My current set (approaching 2 years old now I think) and apart from the Clutch pedal slightly spiking around 10% travel (fine above that), it's fine. And that's only caused by the cable being pushed against the wall.

Which may be the problem here. Round the cable with your hand as they may have become crimped if your pedalset is against the wall.

Mine do it as well, and I assure you my wire is completely free from any force at all. I have a special... setup that prevents it from touching anything really; its hard to explain without pictures, though. It has to be internal.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Mine have started now Most annoying is when im on full throttle sometimes it will cut back the throttle a little bit for a split second.

That's precisely my problem too. It sounds like gearbox failure in LFS (you know, the popcorn sound).

If your pedals are still covered by the warranty I'd hand them in and complain!

EDIT: I "fixed" the problem (for now at least). What I did was I opened the pedal case and removed the gas pedal cylinder to expose the black plastic sprocket thing that turns the POT. (augh, what a sentence.. I'm too tired to rephrase it :P ) Anyway, I just rotated the sprocket thing fully from lock to lock for a few minutes. I read somewhere that this should make the slider thing inside the POT remove any dust and dirt that might have gotten stuck inside the mechanism. And voilà, now there is no sign of spiking, and that horrible crunching sound is gone!

I doubt that this will be a permanent fix, though, since the dirt hasn't techically been removed -- it's just been moved out of the way a bit. So I guess I'll have to do it again some time.. for now I'm just happy that it's working.
Whel This might just be the agiles heel(dont know how to spell it).
So in short it might be the weaknes of logitec
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Whel This might just be the agiles heel(dont know how to spell it).
So in short it might be the weaknes of logitec

Achilles' Heel =)
Sorry for this epic bump but I'm going throught the same situation, no RMA available so any pic showing how to safely remove the G25 pedal pots would be much appreciated

Already opened the pedals and removed all the visible (and hopefully the microdust too) dust around the pots, but the throttle keeps doing the freaky tickling while being full pressed
I found that a few squirts with some WD40 (through the small gap at the front of the pots) whilst operating the pedals cleaned the circuit board and wiper in the pot without having to take it apart.
hey first post :P yeah anyway, the best way to stop your pedals from spiking is get a screw driver and place it across the pot connections but be careful, this recalibrates and wipes memory, thus making them work like new again
That's rubbish!!
dude, i swear it aint Bull the only reason why i now this is because i did it by accident trying to unscrew the pedal, iam not lying, to prove it the nxt time i get a spike in my pedal i will record it showing it works or even better you try it .
Depends on what your throttle spikes like. If it wobbles around 80-100% or so, then the best solution is to use DXTweak ( ... adgets.htm#DX%20Tweak%202 ), Choose accelerator and for example set Min from 0 to 50 and see how it performs ingame. I did the same yesterday and that removed the spiking in the top end for me.
That removes the problem when the throttle is floored, but if the spiking is extensive, you will still have spiking when modulating the throttle.
Better than nothing though.
Quote from Azzmagoo :dude, i swear it aint Bull the only reason why i now this is because i did it by accident trying to unscrew the pedal, iam not lying, to prove it the nxt time i get a spike in my pedal i will record it showing it works or even better you try it .

You cannot recalibrate a potentiometer by shorting it out. It's a single variable resistor, there is nothing electronic to recalibrate or erase.

Dust/dirt and wear makes them fail. You probably bumped it when you took your pedal unit apart.
Hey, I now it sound's strange and no logic behind it, tbh there isnt but it does work, it doesnt matter wever its and ecu or logic gate resistor, they can store memory. honestly shorting it bridging it what ever you want to call it, it works.
Stop digging.