Hey Guys.....
Yes I know I have another thread going but i was itching to thread this forever now and I think youll like.
.....HERE IT GOES.....
If you have anything that you have con across on the internet and thought "WoW I wish I could show this to someone" Or maybe "LOL OMG HAHAHA ROFL" or even "This could intrest others". If so then please post it.It can be a picture a video a song a website, Maybe even something you have created, An article about something, or even a story. Something your or someone did 5 weeks ago, 5 months ago, 5 years ago ect ect and you ant to share it. Anything that is anything that you want to show us that you have seen online or on tv or magazine, some news you just heard about or maybe weeks ago,Or just in your daily life.
.....ILL GO FIRST LOL.....
The website that I always go onto,That had this new video that I thought was rather hilarious.
The Stupidest Anti-GTA Video Ever
And This vid I forget how I found it, But Almost Looks Real HeHe
And This vid I forget how I found it, But Almost Looks Real HeHe
Grand Theft Auto For The NES System
There both GTA related but its a start..I cant wait to see what you guys show us 

EDIT: I totally forgot about this and they had it on youtube for about 10.2 seconds so I hope you guys see It b4 its gone off this site. It took me forever to find this, So I hope you enjoy