This is just a bunch of people that need a job, soo they get payed to find someone or something new to blame for real road accidents.
But i don't think they are talking about simulators like LFS, they are taking about games like GTA(for the pedestrian part), Need For Speed and others related to street racing. And i can see why.... just watch programs like " Pimp my ride " ! People are encourage to improve alot the "racing look", performance and then just fill the car with things that can and will distract you from the actual driving, like two Tv's, four dvd's, three video games, and a sound system that does not let ear anything else beside your ears bursting. Imagine your a road cop arriving to the scene of a car crash. and a mile away you start earing techno music, then when you see the car, a 15 years old rice pimped Fiat, fliped, with Need for Speed still playing in the back seats and with the Titanic background coming from the dvd Screen.

This is just the usual blame game industry, trying to do a living.
Btw...before i was a user of Live for Speed online simulator, to get that racing rush i used to go alot faster on the roads. Now i just dont because i have a place where i speed up as much as i want and race people without any injurys, damage or license penalty's.