The online racing simulator
agh brilliant, thanks. however, it now asks me for a game password... any ideas where to find it? all i want to do it create a CTRA password so i can log in on the website
Quote from Dizzydarryn :agh brilliant, thanks. however, it now asks me for a game password... any ideas where to find it? all i want to do it create a CTRA password so i can log in on the website

Where does it asks a game password? IF LFS asks it, that would mean that you haven't unlocked LFS yet. Insert your GAME-password and it should get unlocked.
oh man, i feel so stupid, i installed the demo onto work pc and havent unlocked it on this computer yet.

thanks so much for your help... once i unlock, and get into the server, is it then that i can type $password to set my password for CTRA?

Thanks again!
Quote from Dizzydarryn :oh man, i feel so stupid, i installed the demo onto work pc and havent unlocked it on this computer yet.

thanks so much for your help... once i unlock, and get into the server, is it then that i can type $password to set my password for CTRA?

Thanks again!

Yes (Type $password to set the password. Also, type $help to open the X-system menu. I suggest you read every page and get familiar what every page does (Don't press the "panic-button" what calls admins to the server. Haven't dared to check it if it ask that am I sure, but I don't want to mess with admins. ))

And no problem. Happy to help. See you on a track.
awesome, thanks man... will try run many practice laps this weekend and maybe get around to some racing! thanks again, see you on track!
Quote from Dizzydarryn :awesome, thanks man... will try run many practice laps this weekend and maybe get around to some racing! thanks again, see you on track!

First I was too afraid to join Race 1 / Single Seater 1, but gathered enough courage to go to Bump & Jump server. I suggest you come to BnJ (Short name for Bump & Jump). The rules there aren't so strict: You are allowed to make little contact ("Nerfing" and "light brushes", but ramming isn't allowed).

If the server is empty, join the race and drive slowly around the track to get familiar with it. Some of the layouts are quite tricky.
yeah ill do that. dont wanna join any serious stuff yet in case of bumping and all that. im also playing with a really crappy wheel, ordered the DFP so that should make things a bit easier. also trying to learn the tracks. its really an awesome game. I race cars in real life and im very impressed with how realistic the game is...
Quote from Dizzydarryn :yeah ill do that. dont wanna join any serious stuff yet in case of bumping and all that. im also playing with a really crappy wheel, ordered the DFP so that should make things a bit easier. also trying to learn the tracks. its really an awesome game. I race cars in real life and im very impressed with how realistic the game is...

Do you have a microphone? I could give my teamspeak server IP to you, so we can chat while racing. I could give you pointers (Not that I am that good, but still). We are living on a same (Or almost the same) time-zone, so it shouldn't be too hard to find time for this.

Only problem is that I can "make noise" (Meaning: Use teamspeak) during 6:00UTC to 12:00UTC. After that, my common-law wife comes from work and starts to do her Bachelor's work, and thus she wants that I shut the - up.

Let me warn you first: My english isn't very good. It's not that I don't know the words, but my finnish (And more specific: Tampere-axcent) axcent is too dominant.
i have got access to a microphone, at the moment its hooked up to my brothers computer but he wont mind if i steal it for a while. maybe sometime tomorrow.

im at work at the mo so im just day dreaming bout racing. ill take all the help i can get. cause at the moment, im not sure if there many ppl slower than i am

ill try figure the accent out, im sure its not too bad!
Quote from Dizzydarryn :ill take all the help i can get. cause at the moment, im not sure if there many ppl slower than i am

First of all: Forget about winning. Your first priority is to finish the race. After you get familiar with the car and the track/layout, you can try to get to the podiums. This helped me to start racing on CTRA servers. Even the motto of CTRA is "If winning is not important, why keep score?", the point (In my opinion) is to have fun and let others have fun.
Quote from Gekkibi :First of all: Forget about winning. Your first priority is to finish the race. After you get familiar with the car and the track/layout, you can try to get to the podiums. This helped me to start racing on CTRA servers. Even the motto of CTRA is "If winning is not important, why keep score?", the point (In my opinion) is to have fun and let others have fun.

yeah absolutely. you're always fastest when you're having fun. there are some seriously fast ppl around. i played abit on normal servers last night and i was like 2s off the pace consistantly, even with what i was told was a good setup...

I think ill have alot to learn bout setup etc, in my racing ive got my own race engineer for that sort of thing. thats the other reason y i cant wait to get into this, im hoping itll teach me a bit more about car setup!
Quote from Dizzydarryn :yeah absolutely. you're always fastest when you're having fun. there are some seriously fast ppl around. i played abit on normal servers last night and i was like 2s off the pace consistantly, even with what i was told was a good setup...

I think ill have alot to learn bout setup etc, in my racing ive got my own race engineer for that sort of thing. thats the other reason y i cant wait to get into this, im hoping itll teach me a bit more about car setup!

I usually use same setups PEPEMOLA uses (Leading driver on Bump & Jump). Still, I have never won him (If someone won't crash into him etc).
Quote from Gekkibi :I usually use same setups PEPEMOLA uses (Leading driver on Bump & Jump). .

how do you get other ppls setup's. do you just ask them?

I have found 2 sites so far with setups and they seem very good.
1. is the inferno one and the other is
Quote from Dizzydarryn :how do you get other ppls setup's. do you just ask them?

I have found 2 sites so far with setups and they seem very good.
1. is the inferno one and the other is

I ask them after the race. Someone gives their setups, someone doesn't. PEPEMOLA have always given his setups to others. I usually don't give my setups, because they are made by others and they gave the setups to me personally. I always direct them to PEPEMOLA. You can see him almost daily on BnJ-server (And if you do: Good luck for winning the race. .. ).
ill try that. im looking so forward to the weekend, becuase at the moment, ive read so much about the game, the setups, the tracks, the leagues etc... now i wanna see what it all actually means!
Quote from Gekkibi :Flame-wars and blaming, usually.

lol, sounds like a party! cant wait to get home!
Here is some first-taste of Bump & Jump. From last grid to 2nd, not bad. However, Karolis is also impossible to win (He has all the lap-records on that layout).


Edit: I decided to show another BnJ-replay. Avoid LX-4 racing if you haven't practiced the layout and the car in offline.

Attached files
BnJ-race.mpr - 739.8 KB - 426 views
BnJ-race2.mpr - 425.2 KB - 499 views
been in a meeting, will definitely have a look at it when i get home, then maybe we can catch up for some racing tomorrow!
Quote from Gekkibi :Here is some first-taste of Bump & Jump. From last grid to 2nd, not bad. However, Karolis is also impossible to win (He has all the lap-records on that layout).


Edit: I decided to show another BnJ-replay. Avoid LX-4 racing if you haven't practiced the layout and the car in offline.


And what about our crash in the air?
Total Noobie
Time on my hands so trying something completely different brought both rFactor and Live for Speed along with a G25 I prefer realism a challenge and less gimmicks so LFS gets stuck with another nut loose behind the wheel. To be honest just to many choices on what and where to drive in rFactor I did not want to be the jack of all tracks and master of none!

Apologies in advance to anyone that may fall victim to my inexperience and over confidence, I will try and remember that the racing is more fun if I don't take everybody out at turn one.

Look forward to some serious racing online in the not to distant future!
Quote from R_Sole :Apologies in advance to anyone that may fall victim to my inexperience and over confidence, I will try and remember that the racing is more fun if I don't take everybody out at turn one.

Learn to respect other drivers and drive extra-careful (Do not change your driving line before you have checked your mirrors/looked through the window). And about T1: Be even more careful. Do not try to overtake anyone on turn 1, that way you have chance not to hit anyone.

See you on the track.
Hey guys,

Got this game almost 4 days ago, only have demo wishing I had paypal! lol myy monoply money doesnt turn into anything in euros, hopefully you will see me around I love drifting - Thats all I do lol!

Yes I use an XBOX steering wheel, if anyone wants I will make a mini tutorial on how to make an XBOX to USB connector, so you can use a game pad or steering wheel if you have one...
Hey guys, i'm not new. I started lfs up again after getting my dfp on friday.

I'm horrible, i need help.

Anyhow i'm in the army now, i probably won't be home untill at least thursday.

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )