The online racing simulator
(261 posts, started )
Quote from mcgas001 :Erm, Excuse me? Fang wanted the crack the game, Not me. Read the thread first...

You're the one who made a threatening post for no apparent reason, that clearly shows you have the mental age of a 2 year old. Fang's approach of 'this isn't the official forum' is clearly at least shows some intelligence, even if it is flawed logic that anybody over the age of 5 could probably understand.
Quote from ajp71 :You're the one who made a threatening post for no apparent reason, that clearly shows you have the mental age of a 2 year old. Fang's approach of 'this isn't the official forum' is clearly at least shows some intelligence, even if it is flawed logic that anybody over the age of 5 could probably understand.

I made a threatening post, because he accused me of something I didnt do, Just because he wants to hack some game. Talk about pass the buck...
Quote from ajp71 :
Any evidence of said forces/details on the physics engine or is this just some bullshit you made up?

Use mouselook and stare at the handlebars. The bike doesn't seem to be leaning by countersteering. If I push the leftkey, the handlebars rotate counterclockwise and the bike leans left. If you have a bike in real life and it is standing straight up while your moving, and you turn the handlebars counterclockwise, it will lean to the right. So this game doesn't seem to be steering by natural forces, but by applying a force across the bike above the CG to make it lean. A moving bike will not lean without countersteering.

EDIT: I don't wanna make it seem like I'm completely dogging the game. It is extremely fun so far and I do enjoy it. I'm just trying to state my assumption that it doesn't feel like the steering is natural. It pretty much feels like a version of MotoGP 3 that I had installed on my computer for a few years.
Quote from NetDemon01 :EDIT: I don't wanna make it seem like I'm completely dogging the game. It is extremely fun so far and I do enjoy it. I'm just trying to state my assumption that it doesn't feel like the steering is natural. It pretty much feels like a version of MotoGP 3 that I had installed on my computer for a few years.

MotoGP 3 was a finished game, this is just the beginning remember. This will improve(hopefully) with better physics, graphics and online play. Id love to try a 10 bike grid now if we could...Im excited about this!
I think what NetDemon01 is talking about is how the game doesn't let you lean past a certain point. On a real bike, part of being fast is knowing just how far you can lean and, as of yet, mxsimulator (PC) and TT Superbikes (PS2) are the only 2 that let you go too far. However, TT Superbikes still uses the same old direct lean angle input that bike sims have been using since the dawn of time. This makes using a wheel with this control scheme very impractical due to the large-scale inputs required.

In my mind, the ideal* control scheme for a bike sim is to use an FF wheel to control the bars directly, rather than having you input the lean angle and letting the game sort out what to do with the bars to get there. mxsimulator takes a shot at this but without FF it doesn't quite work.

*obviously a set of FF bars of the G25's quality would be truly ideal but I think a nice wheel and pedal set (i.e. G25) will do

That said, I do think GPBikes has a lot of potential to be a big step forward for bike sims. I'm already down to a 51.979.

My GPBikes controls
Lean: flight stick X-axis
Throttle: G25 throttle pedal
Front Brake: G25 brake pedal
Keyboard for everything else
All aids off
Remember LFS started exactly the same way gpbikes has, except that gpbikes is moddable , im sure tons of updates and additions are to come.
Well the handlebars should turn into the corner, I guess it's simply whether some initial opposite lock is used to initiate it or not.
In real life:
- pull right/push left/steer right to initiate a lean to the left, then neutralize pressure on the bars
- pull left/push right/steer left to initiate a lean to the right, then neutralize pressure on the bars

The same procedure is used for initiating a lean to neutral so you can go straight
- when leaned left, pull left/push right/steer left
- when leaned right, pull right/push left/steer right

Despite the fact that GPB does all this for you, it still does it properly.

New PB - 51.701
Replay and set attached. The majority of the credit for the set goes to rc10racer, I only made a few small tweaks.

EDIT: New PB - 51.397
The following lap I was .15 quicker in the first sector, .18 in the second, then ran out of gas, so a is certainly well within the realm of possibility.

EDIT2: Proper credit given for the set.
Attached files
Forbin-51_701.rar - 147.7 KB - 311 views
Forbin-51_397.rar - 135.2 KB - 292 views
Quote from DieKolkrabe :
I tried to edit the tracks.pkz to try to get the Monterrey track to work in the demo in place of Lime Rock, it wouldn't start

rofl... monterrey where...
heh this is actually a pretty fun game the rainy track is a drift course lol
Quote from Forbin :New PB - 51.701
Replay and set attached. The majority of the credit for the set goes to Rooble, I only made a few small tweaks.

Think Rooble's set was based of mine from what i can see anyway, Forbin try this set what i just made... did a couple of laps just got a 51 but need more practice with it plus get the line right and it just hugs the corner nicely.
Attached files
Limerock - 125 - set2.rar - 168 B - 292 views
I've flicked through here and couldn't see whether anyone was using a mouse (with decent results), or if mouse is even supported. I don't have a gamepad, wheel or joystick so I'm limited to keys if I can't use mouse, and I'm not too keen on that.
I remember purchasing couple of bike sims on PC years ago. I can't recall their names, possibly Superbike 2000/2001, and they were quite nice in my opinion.

Been lusting for a decent bike sim to come and this looks promising! On a KB without aids (...) I got to 56.xx after couple of laps.

If I whip out the Mastercard for a license, is the Xbox360 pad a decent pair for the game?
Lowest I got was 53.xx after about 9 laps.

I used my xbox360 pad, and it was very good with it
I switched to an analog pad and I'm still very slow! can't go bellow 57 dry and 1 01 wet.

The lag between the pad input and the right/left leaning while being logical is disturbing. I can't take clean trajectories, the bike keeps wobbling!

But well it's not as if I was quick in any other sim anyway.
Im gonna try thiis wit a trushmaster cotroler hope it wil work
Had a bit of a piss around, I'm utterly useless at it. Seems good fun, though.
daamit the cotroller doenst work anbd keybord just sucsk
(AstroBoy) DELETED by AstroBoy
Hard game, but very nice. Reminds me of LFS.

Now if I could just get my Xbox360 controller to work. The drivers just give "Installation could not complete" error, and after searching the net I couldn't figure out a way to fix the most vague error report ever. At one point Windows did install something and find a Xbox 360 contoller (automatic install) but it didn't actually find it in the game controllers even though it had installed it. Any ideas how to get it working, or is the wireless even suppose to work trough that cable thingy?
Quote from rc10racer :Think Rooble's set was based of mine from what i can see anyway, Forbin try this set what i just made... did a couple of laps just got a 51 but need more practice with it plus get the line right and it just hugs the corner nicely.

I don't know where you or Forbin got my set from, I don't recall uploading a set anywhere.
Quick multiplayer review.

First off there are basically no servers up, I've seen 2 servers over the past 2 days, both yesterday. BUT more and more people are getting into the game and organising server times so this will obviously improve over time.

The net code seems to on the weaker side at the moment compared to LFS, it has terrible connection/disconnection lag when someone joins the game goes into slow-mo, then speeds up again to catch back up. If you're in a turn then your lap/race is over, don't think the disconnect lag is as bad but it's still there.

The over all lag level seem a tiny bit high, but that could be down the server, didn't really pay attention to the pings, was too excited to find a server.

There is no collision detection right now, the dev does say this on the forum in the intro to the game spiel. This is probably a good thing right now, don't think the net code/people skill levels are up to having col detect anyway

There also seem to be masses of tire smoke coming off other bikes under braking, could be setup but I think it might be something else.

The sounds of other bikes seem to be just as loud as your own bike so it can get a little confusing; other bikes just seem to be very loud full stop.

Those are the main online points I think. I my opinion it has been released a bit early, a couple more beta testing weeks would improve it no end. The forum could also do with being a tad more organised, but I don't think the devs thought it would catch on so fast.

But saying all that and like everyone is saying the game is very good and has so much potential it's unreal, hopefully things will move forward fast.
Quote from Rooble :I don't know where you or Forbin got my set from, I don't recall uploading a set anywhere.

Oops! My mistake, rc10racer. Proper credit is now given in my previous post.

Just received my license email, will give the other bikes and track a shot tonight after OWRL.
Quote from Forbin :...
EDIT: New PB - 51.397
The following lap I was .15 quicker in the first sector, .18 in the second, then ran out of gas, so a is certainly well within the realm of possibility.

where do you see sector times?

and another question, can you watch a replay with the 2 views allowed when driving? because I only have 2 external views, and some strange called on-board cam that do not really show what it interests me.

btw, 51.285 for me
You can see the sector times under "Laps" in the pits. I don't think it's possible to view them in replays, though.

Nice lap.
okay, thx, I will know it for the next time

(261 posts, started )