Xbox killed my Forza!
(25 posts, started )
Xbox killed my Forza!
So, a while ago now, I was playing Forza and went to buy a car on the Auction House. Bought the aforementioned car and left the Xbox on while I went downstairs to get some food. Come back up the stairs about 1/2 hour later and tried to continue playing and it wouldn't do anything. Naturally, I thought "Oh well, it's crashed again!". Restarted Xbox and it refused to load Forza at all. Removed the disc and the piece of crap Xbox has scratced a huge mark in my disc!:banghead: I didn't move the Xbox at all either. Does anybody think I have grounds to request a new copy of Forza?
I'd say your best bet is to Google and browse gaming forums about an Xbox disc stratching syndrome. If you find multiple threads, more info (what revision suffers the most?), contact hotlines about the subject, etc. That way you'd have some leverage for your argument.
Some good pubs will replace a disc for your for the cost of shipping (others for free), but last time I made use of the feature was quite a few years ago, and I don't really think it is done any more, but it is always worth a go.
Has it scratched it in a large circle around the outer edge of the disc? Thats a common problem, because the dvd-drives don't have the foam stops in them to keep the disc balanced that most drives do. I lost my first copy of Forza to this problem, so I took it back to the retailer, kicked off about it, and got a limited edition copy back

For the xbox, I just put a couple of sticky-back foam bits in the drive, like normal ones have. Not a single problem since.
I remember reading about this on the Playstation forums when Forza came out, quite a few people on there had the same problem.

If you cant get a replacement you should go to Gamestation and see if they have a disc repairer, they might be able to fix the disc for £3.
#7 - ajp71
You can pick Forza up for a fiver now anyway, either from ebay or from Gamestation.
Forza 2 for a fiver! Are you sure? I was going to do the Blockbuster method (rent forza, go home, next day take dead copy back and "You bunch of cocksmokers, don't you check the games that you lend to people!!!) Thanks everybody for your ideas, I might try Gamestation actually, seeing as I used to work there in 05, might get a freebie off the manager! (No, not THAT type of freebie)
Not Forza 2 no, but u did just say 'Forza' in your first post. That said, I'm pretty sure you can pick up Forza 2 for a tenner.
No but you'll struggle to play Forza 2 on an Xbox anyway so I assumed you were talking about Forza
Maybe he has a Xbox 360? Vagueness strikes!
Forza 2 is so extremely cheap now if you buy a used copy in stores. It basically is about the price you'd need to pay to buy S1
I know, but I'd rather rip off Blockbuster for £3.95 than spend £12 on another copy of Forza 2 for Xbox360 While I'm at it I may as well skank a copy of GTA4 as well.
Quite a common problem, all the people I know with the Xbox 360 has complained about it scratching discs, sometimes just randomly, without moving it.

Guess i'm lucky to be a playstation fanboi.

Edit :
I'd love to grab $Bill Gates by his scrawny neck and slam into a huge pile of broken bottles for the distress he's caused people by not putting 2 little blocks of foam in the correct place.
Is that accent real?
Quote from The General Lee :Is that accent real?

Quote :BoogerBoyMeister
Style: Impersonations

From Youtube. A horrible one at that....
bloody awesome tho

Tweak do you talk like that?
woot woot GTA is here bye bye
Well, after pissing around last night sticking toothpaste on Forza 2 and polishing, buffing and generally making it shiny, it works! Used to stop after the first 3 loading screens, now actually gets ingame! Tried to do a race on road atlanta and it crashed, but I'm going to take it to Gamestation today and get it skimmed. But if that doesn't work, it's Blockbuster time!
Quote from Blaeza :I'd love to grab $Bill Gates by his scrawny neck and slam into a huge pile of broken bottles for the distress he's caused people by not putting 2 little blocks of foam in the correct place.

When in doubt, blame Bill Gates. He's retired from Microsoft.
Fixed Forza 2 now, so I'm happy again.

Whoever the actual main man in charge of Xbox360 developement is, he needs a bitch slap.
happened to me with CoD4
Quote from h3adbang3r :When in doubt, blame Bill Gates. He's retired from Microsoft.

Not really retired, he is still in charge as it is his company, but he has passed on the work to tubby.
My 360 scratched it so gamestation fixed the disk for £2. Then my 360 fried it's mobo and dvd rom so i got new parts and it is quieter and has foam on the dvd rom.

Xbox killed my Forza!
(25 posts, started )