The online racing simulator
This qualifiying system means the teams are only going to have 2 laps for setting a time in each session.

well thats atleast whats happening.
i remember when you used to have qualifying on the friday and the saturday and it was your fastest time from either that counted
good race so far, will be nice to see kimi fighting back to top 3

YES Hamilton done Massa !!!
Nice driving from Lewis, but Massa will have him at the pit stop.
Nice Kovalinen, Glock battle on those few corners there, sweet!
Outstanding defense from Glock! It's been a while since I have cheered someone out loud!
Same here buddy, an exciting race for a change .
Go Lewis!!

Back off haters, I know Karate! :P *karate yell!*
Yes hamilton done it, second after 3rd pit stop, can he catch Massa?
scared that Kimi might take hamilton :/
Come on Kimi
Alrighty so whos won? And whats been the major parts of the race so far?
Massa won, as usual already
GOOD RACE!!!! Havent seen on like that for quite a time.

So massa does own Turkey GP
Good drive by Hamilton and Kimi.
Kubica also did a good job.

Looking forward to more races like this one
Quote from DevilDare :Looking forward to more races like this one

I don't.

I found it quite boring. Kovalainen brought the only excitement.
So the final race standings look like?
Quote from AstroBoy :So the final race standings look like?

1. Massa
2. Hamilton
3. Raikkönen
4. Kubica
5. Heidfeld
Cheers, you'll know what ill be asking by at this time next GP
That was probably the most interesting race of the season. McLaren's tactics wasn't that effective. At least they're happy. They could beat ONE of the Ferraris
Ferrari will be hard to beat, but we'll see. BTW what do you guys think, who has the chance to win the championship?
That was by far the best race I've watched this season.

Hamilton's pass on Massa was crazy! XD
And then kovalainen overtaking all those backmarkers was crazy. A lot of side to side racing through corners. Was really a nice race for once.
guys you heard about senna? The gp2 race was disturbed by two loose dogs running on the track, senna killed one
Theres video on youtube, type in gp2 senna dog, poor dog.
:S I saw the vid. That sucks for Senna...
So what did we end up with? Kimi FAILED cause of his broken wing and wrong tyres, finishing only third (!). Senna collided with a dog and our tv-channel is actively mispelling McLaren Prettyboy's name (Louis).

A pretty good weekend, I think.

And just for the shere pleasure of being senceless: Félip Masa will not win the championship. I wan't to be able to say "I said so" at the end of the season.
ah Massa can win the championship, he just needs consistantcy, last year he might of won but due to some key realiablity issues he lost out.