oh no on the grass!
(20 posts, started )
#1 - richy
oh no on the grass!
so, youre in an XFR bombing it round your favourite long sweeping corner in 6th gear but somehow you drift wide and end up in the grass in 6th gear with a barrier infront of you....

ive tried a few things so far without much sucess

1) tried braking and going down the gears only to hit the barrier still because your on grass.

2) tried handbrake to get the car to drift a bit so you can put the power on and "pull" yourself away from the barrier.

3) pump the brakes going down the gears only to still hit the barrier.

4) slam the brakes full on, drop to first gear and hope it stops in time.

so how do you do it and what should be the best way to avoid that sideswipe with a barrier.
#2 - richy
oh bummer this is in the wrong forum section. can a moderator please move this to the beginners section? thanks, and sorry.
#3 - Vain
The best and very smart-ass way is of course to never crash by slowly approaching your limit from below the limit. That means taking a tourist-look of the track, then drive quickly, then drive very quickly, until you reached a racing-pace after 15 laps or so.

Now for the less smart-ass and more helpful part:
Just don't lock your tyres. Whatever you do, don't lock them and don't produce understeer. That means: No brakes, no gas, just slight turning of the wheel. That will leave you with the best cornering you can possibly achieve in this situation.
Pulling yourself back to the track using your front wheel drive won't work because you'll immediately spin the tyres and understeer away from the track.
Drifting is also something you shouldn't attempt at racing-speeds with slicks on dirt.

#4 - richy
the track: AS Nat

it happens a lot on this track when racing, sometimes you go a bit wide on the sweeping corners and end up with all 4 wheels on the grass.

sometimes i just back off the accelerator and coast back onto the track, thats how i would do it in a real car. but in LFS theres times when your on the grass but you know that in 500 yards or more, you WILL hit a barrier, and you are usually going so fast that theres only a short time to react to it. as soon as you hit that grass you know you dont have the turning ability to make that corner.

ive been trying several ways to react to this situation but they all seem as bad as each other.

if youre in the lead pack of cars that is on lap 1, and you get on the grass you want to get back on and keep up with them, not just slide wide till you slam into the barrier and damage the car. thats what ive been trying to do.

i guess some are just unavoidable if you are going that fast
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#5 - richy
what about gravel traps

is there some way of making sure you wont keep skipping over it into the wall?

if its gravel should you handbrake and turn?
No really, as soon as you get off the track all you can do is pray that nothing worse happens. In some situations where you have plenty of space left, gentle turning and NOT touching any pedal might help you to get back on track, but you really shouldn't leave the track in the first place.

Tbh, I don't really see the problem with AS Nat? I can understand a screwup on T1 if you misjudge your line and are too stubborn to step off the throttle, but on the other corner there's really no rocket science involved, just turning your wheel is enough to stay on track there. If someone doesn't even manage to do that he should probably look for a different hobby. Or go oval racing.
#7 - Vain
1. When you unleash 200 hp on 2 postcard-sized squares of grass there is going to be no friction.
2. When not spinning the wheels grass considerably slows you down.
3. Even with spinning wheels sand slows you down.

Of course there is the thing that if you know that you are going to crash you should always try to crash head first and defenately not sideways. Yes, this is maybe a physics hack in a way, but...
#9 - richy
theres been a few races where you have to alter your line to keep it clean im not just talking about a hotlap im talking about while racing you might have to dodge a spinner and end up on the grass. or if someone makes a pass on you, you have to give them space but it might end up that you get on the grass when exiting the corner, i see others getting on the grass there too at times.

on AS nat theres some parts there also when the track dips down and you have some quite fast corners where you get up to the curbs for a smoother line, sometimes you get caught out and end up on the grass at a high speed and i can never recover it if it goes wrong there. i dont know the corner number/name its the section after the 2 hairpins leading up to the final hairpin before the final chicane/gravel traps....

its just one of those things, wondered who everyone else reacts to going on the grass thats all
oh damn im sorry i meant Kyoto national rev!!!

wrong track

thats the one i keep hitting the grass on
lol with slicks+grass i dont think whatever is after the = is going to be good lol
the best thing to do is just.. slow down or hit handbrake when your on the track itself, because once your off.. your off, and with slicks you have like a 5% chance of getting back on (depending on how fast your going and how much time you have to try to get back onto the track)

so really.. when taking a turn and you know your going to go flying off, just.. slow down as much as you need to.. otherwise lol.. not much you can do

which turn do you mean on KY Nat, the first chicane that goes onto the actual track section after the oval ? if thats it.. ya thats hard, but i've noticed, that there is in fact a line that you can take on that turn that you can just sweep right through without any problems, but if your off that line.. your gonna have to slow down .. a looot
#12 - Vain
He said KY Nat reversed. The XFR is extremely twitchy in the left-bend before the right bend that leads to the looooooooong right turn. That's a typical corner to hit the grass because you can't see the end of the bend and you have no curbs.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#13 - Vain
My hint is:
Take a line that keeps the right springs compressed from the left turn before the bend to the end of the bend. Link both into one turn. That way the car drives a much more predictable line. And of course, anticipate the understeer so you aim one meter inside the apex and actually drive half a meter too wide (enough space for safety).

Its true grass offers very little grip in LFS. This reflects real life. Everytime I've put a couple of wheels on the grass at trackdays/sprints, its been shortly followed by me facing the wrong way!

The only way you can get away with it - in real life and LFS, is to avoid excessive steering, braking or acceleration.
Quote from thisnameistaken :

Yep. Forget about learning what to do to recover from that situation, instead concentrate on learning how to spot when you're about to enter that situation so you can lift a bit / brake a bit or whatever.

Agreed. Sometimes if I brake late for a corner, too late, I usually am able to just keep on the brakes and scrub off as much speed as possible without locking any tires, and then I just go wide in that turn, I use up more to brake. Shitty for lap times, but is safe.

When you do it that way, no matter what you are always slowed down enough for the corner even though you may have just lost a few positions and sent your lap time to hell.

If you are going too fast and just say "screw it" and head for the apex of the turn anyway, most likely these will happen:

1.) You miss the apex and fly off the track into the grass
2.) You hit the apex fine, but on corner exit you fly off the track into the grass
3.) Either of the above happens but you also get into a nasty understeering or oversteering situation and/or lock tires

So, if you scrub off enough speed to safely take the corner but end up turning late, it works much better than heading off the track.

But, I am no perfect driver and there are some cases where you simply lose it. The best way is just to keep in control of the car, don't oversteer, don't understeer, don't spin any tires, don't lock any tires. No sudden movements either, just go as wide as you have to even on the grass and gently ease it back onto the track. In some cases, there isn't much you can do, just simple laws of physics. In those cases, just try to keep the language under control so the neighbors don't call the cops.
Don't most sharp turns have gravel traps?
#17 - Vain
South City.

not all sharp turns, some have a little strip of grass before you reach the gravel trap, or like the hairpin in AS Nat theres grass right up to the barrier (oh boy does that sometimes give you an embarassing slow slide into the barrier)
Forgive me my ignorance but AS Nat - hairpin? With grass? Where?

Do you mean the corner right after the first split? Never managed to fly off there
nooo where you brake from 6th gear down to 2nd before the split, that grass on that hairpin can be a real pain in the whatsit.

oh no on the grass!
(20 posts, started )