The online racing simulator
My very own score board
(5 posts, started )
My very own score board
This is what happens when you mix some spare time, very cheap used led matrix displays, Jinsim and an atmega88 micro controller:

The display. Displays to be more specific, they are 4x2 8x8 led matrix displays, linked together.

The display in action. Last split time on top, lap time below.

You can see why they were very cheap, they are 10 years old and come from an information display at a bus station (this one).

Not really that amazing, but who doesn't like useless gadgets?

Oh yes, and a "thank you" goes to the developer(s?) of Jinsim. Pretty nice library, very easy to use
#2 - Jakg
How much did they set you back out of interest?
almost 5 euro per board here.
But there's no warranty and some displays are badly damaged or broken. They are easy to fix though, but the led blocks are a bit hard to find (and you'll probably want to replace all of them if you need to replace one, since the new blocks are much brighter).
That's pretty awesome. I am not gonna lie.
Thank you for sharing that with all of us.
Hello, it would be kind enough to put the schemes and all that is needed to mount this invention? thank you very much.

My very own score board
(5 posts, started )