The online racing simulator
Drive by hand drifter
(18 posts, started )
Drive by hand drifter
That's a lot of work for two hands...
He has a clutch button on the shifter and a clutch lever, and a e-brake that activates the clutch, a brake lever, and a throttle ring on the wheel that moves up and down...
and he can still do a good drift! Large amounts of respect for his efforts.
Even a disability isnt a disability.
The throttle ring on the steering wheel is used for what?
Quote from Scatter :That's a lot of work for two hands...
He has a clutch button on the shifter and a clutch lever, and a e-brake that activates the clutch, a brake lever, and a throttle ring on the wheel that moves up and down...
and he can still do a good drift! Large amounts of respect for his efforts.

no, It is "He has a clutch button on the shifter and e brake"
I think he is said it make by what...
lol that dude can probably poke holes through steel w/ his thumbs.
Quote from LFSn00b :used for throttle.. :/

I don't see the utility of having a second ''pedal'' on the wheel.....
Quote from CobraDrifter :I don't see the utility of having a second ''pedal'' on the wheel.....

Dude the guy can't use his legs... He's using the smaller wheel inside of the steering wheel as throttle.
Watched this earlier and it's quite impressive. It does look like quite a handful to master, but after time you'd get the hang of it.

I'm guessing the little button on the gearknob was for the clutch?

And Cobra, did it not make sense that the engine was revving when that extra wheel was being pressed?
I skipped the start of the didn't know the guy didn't had legs.Now I understand why the car is like this...
Proof if it were needed that drifting is a total doddle.

What about zanardi then?
Quote from Primoz :What about zanardi then?

Take thisnameistaken's comments with a pinch of salt. He's just being sarcastic... again =)
Quote from CobraDrifter :I skipped the start of the didn't know the guy didn't had legs.Now I understand why the car is like this...

The thread name is also a dead give away. "Drive by hand Drifter"
Quote from Primoz :What about zanardi then?

zanardi can use his Prosthesis to brake.

Quote from beefyman666 :
I'm guessing the little button on the gearknob was for the clutch?

it is not a button, it is a Infrared sensor. so he can't use glove on his left hand.
and there is a same sensor on hand brake.
This is a cool system!

Drive by hand drifter
(18 posts, started )