Me and couple of other LFS users would like to arrange a meeting to all LFS users (Of course not just for finns. Naturally everyone is invited. But I doubt not many others would come
). "Neutral" location for this would be in Tampere (Sure, I live there, but because of railway lanes, it is easy to come from everywhere. And those who lives too far away to use railways [6+ hours on a train is pain in the arse... Literally], they could always fly because of we have an airport [Well, it is in Pirkkala, but who cares]).
Nope, haven't planned anything special. Haven't planned the date yet. Haven't planned what we would do, either. Of course beer & grilling.
This thread is for those who are interested of this meeting. You can freely discuss the content and date of this meeting here.

Nope, haven't planned anything special. Haven't planned the date yet. Haven't planned what we would do, either. Of course beer & grilling.
This thread is for those who are interested of this meeting. You can freely discuss the content and date of this meeting here.