The online racing simulator
A Better Demo (Please)
(183 posts, started )
But Blackwood has two tracks

BL GP and BL RallyX
I usually don't get involved in things like this but I'm really getting tired of demo users always wanting more. Buy the game.

From a marketing standpoint, they gave the FBM to the demo so that people that are genuinely interested in buying the game could see what an open-wheeler was like. The trade off was that you lost a car. If the people that complained about that were really planning on buying LFS, they wouldn't have complained in the first place knowing they would get it back as soon as they purchased S2. Buy the game.

As far as tracks go - BL is a great track to make your decision on whether or not to buy. It has a long straight, it has sweepers in both directions, it has tight corners. It's perfect for a demo. Buy the game.

Before I played the LFS demo I had never downloaded a real piece of software that didn't have a time limit. Yes I know that there are freeware versions of almost anything imaginable but LFS is not freeware. If you download pretty much any demo of any software, there is a time limit. I am all for putting a time limit on the demo. It would force people to finally make up their minds. Fortunately for you the devs are nicer than I am. They put up with the freeloaders that complain or "suggest" stuff here. Plus they pretty much put up with a lot of you guys playing a part of their game indefinitely for free. Buy the game.

My point is, if you were really planning on actually buying the game any time soon, you wouldn't be here complaining or "suggesting". I understand that sometimes money is tight. I played the demo for a few months. At that time money was tight around here. So I budgeted. If the demo did expire at some point, I could of lived without until I could afford it. Buy the game.

What a lot of you demoers fail to realize is the bottom line. This is a business. The devs did not get into this so that they could spend the majority of their time working on something for free. This is their job. The money we pay them for LFS goes towards rent, food, clothes, etc. The money also goes into research to make the game better. The game that you have not yet paid for gets better every day because most of us choose to pay. Buy the game.

Let me ask you this - If I asked you to come mow 1.55% of my lawn, then I asked you to mow another .51% for a total of 2.06% of my lawn, would you do it? Knowing full well that i probably wasn't going to pay you to mow the rest of it anyway?

I applaud your well thought out post. You seem to have a grasp on math and grammar. Which is more than I can say for most kids your age. So kudos on that. However, it doesn't excuse the fact that you are here begging for more free stuff. Enjoy what you have, it is free after all. Demoers keep complaining or "suggesting" and you may end up with nothing at all. Buy the game.

Cya around.
Quote from DieKolkrabe :But Blackwood has two tracks

BL GP and BL RallyX

I know, but Blackwood counts as one track. Damn, IDK, Bob said one, I said one
Actually, the Car Park is a track on its own, too.

Three cars (FWD, RWD, formula is a very good choice!) and one track environment are enough for a demo.

Oh, and I'm waiting for my S2 license at the moment.
mate seriously
the demo is great but s2 is even better
im getting it soon wen i get my job and savings card
but i do feel for you wanting more cars
All you have to do is wash a few peoples / friends cars (after asking if they want it washed obviously), do a few other chores, and gather yourself up enough money. LFS is extremely damn cheap anyway.
We are not flaming you sasch , but its a little bit ridiculous . Have you ever played GTR2 demo or rfactor ? If not try them out , you will then see how great the LFS demo is . Why dont you do some work after school ? Thats what i did when i was your age , after a few weeks you can afford S2

@ Zachary , man i was tired as hell when i wrote that
From Oxford dictionary, " Demo (Demonstration): the physical presentation by the sales person to the prospect of how a product works. Generally free of charge to the prospect."

That is what the demo should be - a sort of pick-up game that entertains you for a few days, to let you have a feel of what you will expect if you buy it, and hopefully you will. Nothing more, nothing less.
i know! how about giving the full game in demo?

nah, seriously, i think the best thing to do is buy s2. it's what i'm going to do...

err...when i can. i'm now doing my best to avoid any debts, but it 's not going to be easy. i have to pay another part of my studies, also pay half of my driving license, so i can request my exam, and today i discovered my sister was surfing the net without anyone noticing, and way passed the traffic limit. and thanks to that i have to waste 50 more € (the net payments are my responsibility)...

(back on topic) well, at least he said "please"...
What you are feeling is exactly what is supposed to happen, the very reason why game developers create a free demo in the first place.

You play it, you like it and you want more so you then buy the full game to satisfy the need for more content.

The LFS demo is very generous, it always has been, it's probably too generous as there is enough for some to never bother buying the game. As I'm sure you're becoming aware, you are not the first person to ask for more free content, I think you've been treated very well saying how many times this question has been asked.
You've got no chance at all of getting more free demo content.
If my math is correct i would say.
Buy LFS S2 = 100% connent and multiply that with how many days you play and then multiply that with your happiness = AWESOME!
Just buy S2 and support the devs and both will be happy
From another standand point, if you play the demo and DON'T want any more cars, then either the LFS demo is certainly too content rich, or you're not interested in sim-racing.

A demo is supposed to being an annoyingly small teaser of the full product to want you begging for the full thing, so that, ultimately, you BUY THE GAME. If it didn't do that, LFS wouldn't sell and the devs would have gone back into employment.

The reason that most of us don't want more demo connent is that we have bougth S2 and the reason is?...

Quote from khoianh94 :
Oh, and I'm waiting for my S2 license at the moment.

Congratulations on your S2 license and welcome ^^
This thread makes me laugh, it's like going to the people that give samples of cake etc and asking them for half of the cake then coming back the next day for another and again again again so you don't have to pay for it.

Same principles, some basic maths $20+$20+$8-$1=S2!

I was REALLY happy that they put the fbm in the demo (Thank Scaven! ) instead of the XRT. With the FBM you can get some REALLY great racing expierence. MAN, I had some races there.
So dont cry, buy the game or pis* of, but dont cry
Stop whinging, it's not like netkar pro where you don't get a dashboard in the demo.
I think that your math is only partially correct, and the logic underneath it, is not.
Let me explain.

You would have 20% of cars and 10% of tracks. Now, 30 tracks (50%) + 20 cars (50%) = 50 (100%)

So in the demo you would have 15% of 100%, that is 15% of the game's textures and physics. Each extra car means 4% more.
On the hotlaps, only 3 people have played all 940 combos. The 4th only has 240, and it goes downwards like an hyperbolic funtion. So, the fact of being able to play all those combos, it's not why LFS sells, so it's not important. I'd say only 20% of those combos are played regularly.

Finnally the logic is not correct, because if it really was only 0.5% why bother going through so much trouble, of making all that calculus. Even if you were right about your math, the XRT means a lot more than 0.5% to most demoer's, don't you agree? I suppose you wouldnt go through such trouble just to have only more 0.5% content. It would be 0.5% content worth much more.

My advice to you is, earn some money. Even being 15, you can do some favors to neighbours or something. I'm sure if you want it enough you'll get it. Then buy the game if you still want it.

You guys (Demo racers) should only get 1-2% of the game. That includes one wheel of the XFG and one flat track.

What I mean is, You guys already have enough content to hold up a nice race and get the real taste of LFS.
Yeah, I already have the money. That is no problem at all. It is my parents not letting me buy it. They think that is too much to spend on a game! It really sucks!
Quote from shashdev :Yeah, I already have the money. That is no problem at all. It is my parents not letting me buy it. They think that is too much to spend on a game! It really sucks!

Prove them that they are wrong
Quote from shashdev :Yeah, I already have the money. That is no problem at all. It is my parents not letting me buy it. They think that is too much to spend on a game! It really sucks!

Tell them it's not a simple game, it's a serious simulator. Show them this page, LFSWorld, the Instant Hotlap Analyser, discussions about physics on the forum and things like that. LFS is very cheap considering what you get for your money.
You demo guys are really lucky because most demo games are supposed to be 1 hour limit only. I decided to buy S2 after I heard about the amazing cars and the "south city" track. S2 gives you freedom. I suggest you buy it, or stay with demo. Its quite funny how many threads we get like this after patch Y took XRT from demo.
Quote from OP :Why not just give us the XRT in Y19? Yes, many of the S2 drivers did not have the chance, but maybe with a better demo (not that the current one is not amazing) more S2 drivers will get up there and compete with the best and give some more competition!

Now, all of my reasoning is based on basic math. Hopefully I have not messed anything up horribly! If I have, please point it out quickly, so I can feel completely stupid!

If we get the XRT, we will have 4 cars out of 20, right? So:
4/20 = 20%

Also, we get one track out of seven tracks, right? In these tracks, we get three variations out of twenty-nine, right? So:
3/29 ~ 10.34%

So, using basic math, to get the percent of the game we would have, we just take the first percent (percent of cars) and the second percent (percent of track variations) and multiply them together. So:
.2 x .1034 = 2.06%

That means we would only get 2.06% of the game if you gave us the XRT in addition to what we have right now! As of the moment, we have 1.55% of the game. You are giving us an extra .51% of the game. Is that really that much?

If simple mathematics is the way to do this, look at it this way..
S2 costs £24, and you have 1.55% (arguably) of the total content. For that, you have paid £0.

So, the percentage you have paid is 0/24, 0%. 1.55% content sounds rather generous in exchange for that, doesn't it?

Quote from OP :Again, I would like to mention, I am not trying to be greedy about this. But I doubt you would find many demo racers who were against getting one extra car (that many have driven before).

Let's not state the blindingly obvious. I don't imagine I would find many demo users who were against getting all the cars, but that doesn't mean that's going to happen either.

This is probably a flame-provoking comment to make... But I find it quite remarkable that so many demo racers have the temerity to suggest that, having paid ScaViEr nothing at all, they are in a position to suggest that they know a better way to manage LFS's marketing than the methods ScaViEr have spent considerable time - not to mention experience - deciding.

Quote from shashdev :Yeah, I already have the money. That is no problem at all. It is my parents not letting me buy it. They think that is too much to spend on a game! It really sucks!

Hm... that being the case, you can tell them it's a driving (racing, drifting... w/e) simulator, that it can improve your driving skills. That lots of people here drive better on streets because of this game. Not that you have a driving license, but when you have you can say to them you'll be much more ready, which is good for your safety.

You can also tell them that instead of buying drugs and alchohol with the money you have, you're a responsible kid and instead you're planning to spend it on a usefull skill for life, and that you can then enroll on championships or just relax, and that you'll even let ur dad play it sometimes, if he promises not to wreck.

I did the same thing with my parents, first with a computer, then with internet, then with games and it worked xP


A Better Demo (Please)
(183 posts, started )