I have one, he's called Karlsson and he has a propelelr on his back that is turned on by a red button on his stomach. He comes when I've been in front of the computer for too long.
Getting on the real side, I had a imaginary Superhero when I was 4. I found out his name was loaned from a F1 driver when I was 6. Was really surprised .
im being serious when i was like 6 i had an imaginary dog called shep and when i moved house i was upset because i thought he got lost omg what have i donne iv told my secret i must kill you all *drops a nuclear bomb* oh crap its a toy muhahahahaha come on shep well go hide in a dark corner were we are not insane we are normal
Me and a friend used to have a imaginary friend nicknamed Cocky Fat Shemale. We would always put the blame on her when we were breaking things. No one would believe us it was Cocky Fat Shemale's fault though.