The online racing simulator
always 32 digits yep

and [a-z][A-Z][0-9]
Eheh, yet one more question.....

How are you going to handle running out of credit?
Falling back to tarpitted stats? Giving an error?

In addition, here is a feature request before you've even launched the main feature

An email telling you you've run out of credit. (presuming you weren't going to do that already)
when you have run out of credit you'll fall back to tarpitting yep.

and yes I guess an email can be sent to warn.
actually it's going to be the other way around. You must explicitly indicate with &ps=1 that you want to use the premium service, provided you have a positive account balance of course. Any other request will be regarded as the normal free request.
What's the use of creating two or more Ident-keys? You still can't make two requests within 5 seconds from the same host? (using 2 different ident-keys per request)
Quote from traxxion :What's the use of creating two or more Ident-keys? You still can't make two requests within 5 seconds from the same host? (using 2 different ident-keys per request)

You don't have any credit, hence you aren't eligble for the premium untarpitted requests.

The purpose of the ident keys is to do exactly what their name suggests. IDENTify you, for purposes of deducting credit from you premium account and statistics tracking.

You may need more than one because, for instance, you may want an unteathered key for development (not tied to an IP), and you may run one or two sites on different servers that you would like to be teathered to the server because they could be accidentally exposed to the public. This creates the need for 2 or 3 keys.
yeah you can have an identkey with a bound to an ip for your live server and a 2nd identkey for your test server.

btw sorry it takes a while for the premium stuff to show up, but i've also been working on another new service / system, which will go online at the same time as the premium pubstats (not related to the pubstats though, apart from that it's another paid service).
It should go online in 2 weeks from now.
Quote from Anarchi-H :You may need more than one because, for instance, you may want an unteathered key for development (not tied to an IP), and you may run one or two sites on different servers that you would like to be teathered to the server because they could be accidentally exposed to the public. This creates the need for 2 or 3 keys.

That's as clear as one could possibly bring it Anarchi, thanks. I hadn't thought of it working that way.

Quote from Victor :but i've also been working on another new service

Hmmmm... very curious what your next creation is about Victor...!
well the update is done now. You can make use of the premium pubstat feature when you feel like it. Please read the settings page on LFS World and of course you must have a positive account balance for it to work.

Good luck!
Well done Victor, it all seems to work very nicely! Still a shame there's no other payment method but the credit card option. You guys gonna make me request a credit card one day...
Ok, I've skimmed the whole thread, and I'm still pretty confused

I just want to be able to post the results of ... st&racer=%3CKchrpm%3E in this format:

Laps Completed: 1292
Miles Driven: 5595
Gallons of Fuel Burned: 195,990
Races Completed: 116
Wins: 16
Podium Finishes: 45
Quote from Kchrpm :Ok, I've skimmed the whole thread, and I'm still pretty confused

I just want to be able to post the results of ... st&racer=%3CKchrpm%3E in this format:

Laps Completed: 1292
Miles Driven: 5595
Gallons of Fuel Burned: 195,990
Races Completed: 116
Wins: 16
Podium Finishes: 45


$act 'pst';
$name '%3CKchrpm%3E';
$host '';
$path '/pubstat/get_stat2.php';
$query "?version=$ver&action=$act&racer=$name";
$url $host $path $query;

$stream file_get_contents$url );
$stats explode"\n"$stream );

$wins $stats[4];
$laps $stats[2];
$miles$stats[0] / 1600;
$fule $stats[1];
$fin  $stats[4] + $stats[5] + $stats[6];

"Laps Completed: $laps\n";
"Miles Driven: $miles\n";
"Gallons of Fuel Burned: $fule\n";
"Races Completed: ${stats[7]}\n";
"Wins: $wins\n";
"Podium Finishes: $fin\n";


Have not tested it, but that should do it.
I'm just testing it by pasting that code into notepad and saving as .php and .html, neither are working, the resultant page is blank. Is there something else I need to do with it?
Quote from Kchrpm :I'm just testing it by pasting that code into notepad and saving as .php and .html, neither are working, the resultant page is blank. Is there something else I need to do with it?

You need to upload it somewhere online before it works . Or run a local webserver.
For the local web server part, I really love WAMP, take alook at it. It's not hard to setup, and it does it's job. Also, I thuogh you were a new programmer, that's why I spewed out the code. As you seem to be just an end user, I would wait, or ask one of the guys who frequents here to make you the program, as I have showed, it's not hard to do.
ASP files
Alot of people here using PHP for those of you who are using ASP I created this ASP file and you are more then welcome to use it on your own site.

Ive created 2 ASP files:

1. lfs5sec.asp - this has the 5 second limit

2. lfsCache.asp - this caches the data and renews the file every day.
- lfs_data.txt - just stores the data

[edit] heres an example [/edit]

Its only the PST data packet at the moment, but you can easily add the other data packets.

ps. just rename the appropriate files to asp.
Attached files
lfs_data.txt - 48 B - 574 views
lfs5sec.txt - 2.9 KB - 541 views
lfsCache.txt - 3.3 KB - 531 views
Ive made an improvement which you will probably like.

Ive combined both the 5sec and cache into one file.

So basically what this new file does is. When you can refresh and get data it saves the data into the file and updates the table. If you refresh early and get the error message then it goes to the file and gets the data from when you last refreshed.


ps. rename the lfsboth.txt to .asp
Attached files
lfs_databoth.txt - 37 B - 534 views
lfsboth.txt - 3.3 KB - 593 views

We are trying to retreive hotlap chart with pubstat, and works fine, except for the new car. I guess it must be named "BF1", but it doesn't work with it. For example ... amp;track=661&car=BF1 gives an "invalid car" as an answer. Or do we have to use another name instead of BF1?

Forget it. Now it works. Sorry for being unpatient
Bug with new patch servers?

It seems like "action=hosts" don't return hosts running on patch S and T.

Or is it just me?
Quote from nikka :Hey,

It seems like "action=hosts" don't return hosts running on patch S and T.

Or is it just me?

We have the same problem in LFS-SPAIN in our script to see hosts online, only return hosts runnig on patch Q ...and with "action=pb&racer=...", no times for BF1 or track 660, 661 ...
Quote from eakew :Hi,
We have the same problem in LFS-SPAIN in our script to see hosts online, only return hosts runnig on patch Q ...and with "action=pb&racer=...", no times for BF1 or track 660, 661 ...

Exactly the same problems on our team website! Would like to know what's changed so we can make the online scripts work again.
for me, the version=1.2 doesn't change anything.

Quote from --==Gogo==-- :For all the guys that don't receive hosts that are running the new patch:

Set the version-Flag in your URL to 1.2 then it works fine.

Example: ... sion=1.2&action=hosts

Thanks very much, that seems to work indeed :eclipsee_
hmmm, now it works here, too.
Victor seems to work on it.

thx, paXton