The online racing simulator
CTRA yellows
(29 posts, started )
CTRA yellows
Hi all
Just recently started on LFS and have begun to work on my CTRA licences. I was surprised to see on my stats the number of yellows I have apparently caused. I have been very careful, running at the back or near the back of the field, always giving way to blue flags and have probably spun only about half a dozen times, got "twitchy" about the same, and only made contact with someone else once or twice - but the number of yellows is much higher than that, I'm up to 30% and was trying to keep down to the suggested 20. I wondered if it also counts as a "yellow" for my tally if I receive a blue flag? Or is it something to do with time taken to recover?
CTRA has its own section here. Don't create another topic, this one will be moved there.
Quote from modelmotorracing :Hi all
Just recently started on LFS and have begun to work on my CTRA licences. I was surprised to see on my stats the number of yellows I have apparently caused. I have been very careful, running at the back or near the back of the field, always giving way to blue flags and have probably spun only about half a dozen times, got "twitchy" about the same, and only made contact with someone else once or twice - but the number of yellows is much higher than that, I'm up to 30% and was trying to keep down to the suggested 20. I wondered if it also counts as a "yellow" for my tally if I receive a blue flag? Or is it something to do with time taken to recover?

I don't think that it really counts the yellows (crashes) that you've caused, but the ones you've been involved in. Driving very slowly will also bump your yellows up, if you drive slow enough.

You say that you slow to let faster drivers through, but if you're slowing to very slow speeds, this could be the cause of your higher ratio. AFAIK, CTRA also adds on another yellow on every start grid.

I know all about yellows, since my Yellow Flag ratio used to be 123% (Now 49%)
haha LOL 123%?!
is that even possible? lol
#5 - J@tko
Yep, 100% is 1 yellow/lap, so Joe failed by doing 1.23 yellows/lap.

The record is 3000%
Mine's 26%
Yep, I had caused more yellow flags than I had completed laps.

I'm not putting a Link to My CTRA in my sig until I get my flag ratio to 30%, and I have a better race completion ratio.

Quote from J@tko :Yep, 100% is 1 yellow/lap, so Joe failed by doing 1.23 yellows/lap.

The record is 3000%

SamH said that it was 4800%!?
Phew - that's all right then, I feel much better now!
Quote from JO53PHS :Yep, I had caused more yellow flags than I had completed laps.

Ok, I'm officially now coming to check what the hell you are doing
....has competed in 105 races and driven 809 laps since the launch of the CTRA X-System. In this time, he has caused 83 yellow flags, which is a ratio of 10%. This is a good yellow flag ratio.
I do wonder
Quote from modelmotorracing :Hi all
Just recently started on LFS and have begun to work on my CTRA licences. I was surprised to see on my stats the number of yellows I have apparently caused. I have been very careful, running at the back or near the back of the field, always giving way to blue flags and have probably spun only about half a dozen times, got "twitchy" about the same, and only made contact with someone else once or twice - but the number of yellows is much higher than that, I'm up to 30% and was trying to keep down to the suggested 20. I wondered if it also counts as a "yellow" for my tally if I receive a blue flag? Or is it something to do with time taken to recover?

your stats a pitty good in someway,
about your yellows,

you have at the moment a ratio of 29% but now read it in the right way,

you drove in 14 races and you finished 12 of them. so just lets say that you pulled out after a or maybe 2 yellow. so 4 yellows there.

you drove 115 laps , only 34 is a yellow flag ,
as said before, when you brake much for a blue flag then you will get a bleu flag for driving to slow. so i think that might be some yellows too...

so i dont think your yellow ratio with only 115 laps droven are that much. or that bad.

for example , i have for 4 moths ago a ratio of 29%
and now i have only 17%, and believe me that where too many clean races if you know that i drove 5,767 laps at total. and a normal ctra race will be 5 a 7 laps....

about the bleuflag what you said :

Quote from wiki :
The blue flag
A light bleu flag, informs a driver that a faster car is approaching and that the driver should move aside to allow one or more faster cars to pass.

most of the time is braking for a blue flag not the best option.
you can deal with a blue flag in 2 ways ,

option 1:
stay on the racing line (if there is a good point for the faster car to over take you, for example if you meat him on a strait, because when you are braking on the strait you can badly suprise him.)

option 2:
stay away from the racing line. ( for example when you enter a corner and you are getting a blue flag)
!! what important is in this option is that you will go to a side or away form the racing line as soon as you are getting the blue flag!!
you need to do that other wise the car that is coming up doesnt know what you are going to do and you can suprise him , what can end up with a possible crash.

when you once get of the racing line , most of the time only lifting will do the job, and somethimes braking will help.

i hope you can do something with this tips.


My yellow flag ratio is 8%

Edit: Oh, and to add something to this thread: Yes, you will get yellow flag if you drive under certain treshold. For example, I have troubles on South City Town reverse, where is that over 90 degree turn. I usually drive too slow and earn a yellow flag.
Quote from hotmail :i hope you can do something with this tips.



Hey thanks for the advice Reintjan, very useful. I have spent this evening on Kyoto National which I am slowly getting used to, I can do 1m52 but everyone else is on 1m48 but that's OK as there is no chance of me being blue flagged in 4 laps and I can make up a lot of places by staying out of everyone else's accidents, which at my end of the grid seems to be more the name of the game rather than just being plain fast. So I managed to get my yellow tally down a bit today. Plus some of the fast guys who crashed on lap 1 came up through the field and I got a chance to follow and learn from them which is good too.
nice , nice nice,

just keep on practising , that is the only thing left now. thespeed wil come
Quote from JO53PHS :
I know all about yellows, since my Yellow Flag ratio used to be 123% (Now 49%)

Talking about funny stats.. I have a 101% completion rate. It's true!
#17 - SamH
I've been trying to find that bug for ages, and it still hides from me! Occasionally I go through the database to try and find what is different about the people that this happens to, and who it happens more often for. I have found one person who has 67 more finishes than he has joined races, so I'm going to study that racer and see what causes it.

I've bumped up all stats now, so the number of races is at least equal to the number of finishes recorded in the database.
Quote :I've been trying to find that bug for ages, and it still hides from me! Occasionally I go through the database to try and find what is different about the people that this happens to, and who it happens more often for. I have found one person who has 67 more finishes than he has joined races, so I'm going to study that racer and see what causes it.

It was fixed ages ago, something to do with mid race joiners if I remember right. Nobody with more finishes than entries should find their stats going up but no doubt some peoples stats still exist with the glitch until their ratio drops under 100% again where it will maintain.

If I recall MRJ's where counted as entries on launch, but the userbase asked us to change this so I did but it still counted the finish for a period until we realised the mistake.
#20 - SamH
Quote from Becky Rose :It was fixed ages ago, something to do with mid race joiners if I remember right. Nobody with more finishes than entries should find their stats going up but no doubt some peoples stats still exist with the glitch until their ratio drops under 100% again where it will maintain.

If I recall MRJ's where counted as entries on launch, but the userbase asked us to change this so I did but it still counted the finish for a period until we realised the mistake.

Ahh cool! That's that one bagged! Ta!
Quote from Gekkibi :My yellow flag ratio is 8%

Thats cos u only ever race on B&J. There are no yellow flags there
Quote from J@tko :Thats cos u only ever race on B&J. There are no yellow flags there

I also race on Race 1 around 5-6 UTC. Then there are "right" amount of racers for me. I'll have to gather more courage to participate bigger races.
There aren't any laps there either, so 8% would be pretty damn good if he lived exclusively in B&J

I have been very careful, running at the back or near the back of the field, because my PC is blocked on start always giving way to blue flags and have probably spun only about half a dozen times, got "twitchy" - but the number of yellows is much higher than that, I'm up to 39% and was trying to keep down to the suggested 20. I wondered if it also counts as a "yellow" for my tally if I receive a blue flag? Or is it something to do with time taken to recover?
A yellow flag is thrown when you go below a certain speed at a certain point on the track. Each car has its own particular speed for each part of the track, below which LFS will throw a yellow flag. CTRA registers each of these, and you get the red "CAUTION WHILST RECOVERING" message to signify that you are causing a yellow flag.

Basically, you don't have to spin or go off the track to cause a yellow - in fact, in GT2-class cars in particular, slowing down to let a race leader pass can be enough. Keep your eyes open for those red messages, and you can keep track of your yellow count.


CTRA yellows
(29 posts, started )