Let me remind you that tomorrw are the last pre-qualifications! First will be held 12:00-13:00 UTC and the second will be held 16:00-17:00 UTC. If the first pre-qualification is full, I will host another pre-qualification between these two pre-qualifications (Aproximately 14:00-15:00 UTC). This addition pre-qualification will be only to those who are not been on pre-qualification before. Also, those who are not fastest 11 drivers can also join this addition pre-qualification. If I host the addition pre-qualification, I will inform you (Using this thread).
Updated the first post. Congratulations to those who earned a position in a race! And thanks to all who did pre-qualification(s). You all were better than me. keep practicing, no one knows if I am going to make another S2 Voucher Competition in the future.
I will contact 1-11 racers and give additional instructions. However, now I need some R&R, so I will do it on tueday or wednesday.
And yes, I am so bad. I can drive around 1:16.50, but still have major problems in the chicane (And thus my lap-times are usually 1:18+). I can handle road cars pretty well, but single-seaters are mystery to me. I know: Practice, practice and practice.
hey, ive got a question, remember how u said before that there were people, u found in the server, had been using a cracked lfs, just out of intrest, should there names not be handed over to the devs or something like that?
another question linked to this, did any of them using a cracked lfs make it into the race ?
Sweet, a cracker got caught. I hate it when stupid demo people ruin the reputation of all demo racers! Can't wait for patch z when all racers have to have a username on here! NO MORE PEOPLE USING THE NOS MOD!!! That is going to be awesome! I already use patch y19! BTW, how can I catch the crackers? Just see if someone says it? Cause I could easily screw over a lot of people with that!
How about a sort of test race on Saturday evening? like 30 lap race with the real racing conditions and stuff. I think it's a good way to get to know eachother a bit better on the track so you won't have to at the real race day
got same idea, hope there will be someone not like in another days
especially we have to practice the Turn 1 so that everybody will know that it is very important to brake earlier and having a space where you can react, possibly to teach people cornering with a FBM side by side, so you won't bump or push someone out
report time (with link to web-clocks you will use) and date pls for the preRace-Training
2 gekkibi: pls set the race to the proper format as the race will have, so enable Q. and 50laps with low wind fo race, don't forget to send the info about race, where when, name, pass, hope there will be some practice time, qualification, warm up and final race
also, can we choose the skins? can i have some yellow one? or some light color to close that (not white pls), yellow from the view of driver is sufficient (i use a yellow one skin now so i'm stick to it THX