Problem :\ [Texture pack problem]
Hi all.. I have big problem I have added „AutumnModY“ to lfs And now i need backup for original files :\ But i whana jus for track textures grass ant sky and etc.. But i whant leve mine added tires texture interjiers lights wheel. seets. Can some one help me??
(sorry for spelling)
PLZ help me :\
Check what files the AutumnMod changes (= the image files included in that archive), and then copy those files from the original LFS .zip archive and replace the modded ones?
Quote from Huru-aito :Check what files the AutumnMod changes (= the image files included in that archive), and then copy those files from the original LFS .zip archive and replace the modded ones?

there is over 140 files :\
So no one have ?? dds? what i need?
Reload LFS,Install it in another folder than the Modded,and switch the DDS Folder...
There are two ways.

1) Do what I already suggested, and replace only the files that the AutumnMod changes. It is time consuming, but...

2) Replace all your textures with the originals (what Waffenaffe said). That way you'll have to "install" all the mods you would like to keep again.
Quote from Waffenaffe :Reload LFS,Install it in another folder than the Modded,and switch the DDS Folder...

but i whant keep mine moods tires seats interjier
Then search them,save them,and Copy the Ori files in it,then u put your own textures.