The online racing simulator
hi all,
heres a couple of shots from this thursdays 1 hr race

have tried to keep them simple
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lfs_rac fe2 ob.jpg
lfs_rac fe2 aquilifer.jpg
still a editing noobie tryed to make it look like an xfg on a pitch black rally nite stage.
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XFG Back Fire copy.jpg
The lights look a little strange, like they're not being projected from the car at all. The right hand side rear light looks a little odd too. :/

Good old TypeR backfiring is cool though.
A Crappy edit by me.
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Guys! Im sitting here and edit some pics But i need some comments and if any one can say what more i can do its great I trying some "underground style?" So pliis comment and say what do YOU think
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Lucas & Maxim top copy.jpg
Quote from Exile R :A Crappy edit by me.

I'm all with you on this. Crapy screenshots need a LOT of blur. :d
Quote from maxiim :Guys! Im sitting here and edit some pics But i need some comments and if any one can say what more i can do its great I trying some "underground style?" So pliis comment and say what do YOU think


nice man! i love it
Quote from Exile R :\

nice man! i love it

thx dude This pic is not finished yet.. I gonna work some more with lights and smoke
This is what i got now
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smoke needs to be whiter i think, as you can still see the ingame smoke.
Quote from Exile R :smoke needs to be whiter i think, as you can still see the ingame smoke.

hmm .. Maybe. But i like it like this This is what i was planing and i made it
added some light and shadow to what i thought was a cool screenshot
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My newest.
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looks cool, smokes a bit dodgy though
Haha, it would look good if the perspective on the glued parts was correct. And you left some white stuff by the lights on the right car.

(Tazka) DELETED by Tazka : missunderstood
The smoke is dodgy because it was meant to be cartoon style smoke. And the white stuff on the right car were supposed to be highlights/reflections or something like that...

But yeah, it was a pretty much a quickie photoshop. I don't have motivation to spend too much time on lfs pics.
(Riders Motion) DELETED by Riders Motion : My bad
My new edit
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another pic from last thursdays 1hr race
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lfs_aquilifer rac.jpg
my new skyline r32 skin
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Tell me if the exhaust fire is good
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lfs_00000596 copy.jpg

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )