The online racing simulator
Reset car option
(5 posts, started )
Reset car option
I've searched deep in the forum and didnt find any thread having this.

Dont know if this is fine with most of racers but i'm annoyed with the reset car feature. Sometimes a racer resets his car when stuck in sand or when flipped and appears right in a race line, causing a bunch of other drivers to drive off track and eventually to have to reset their own car too. So maybe would be good to have an option in server admin to not allow car reset and also maybe find a substitution to this feature. This just because what makes a diff in lfs is that efforts as made in being as close as reall as it can be, and reseting your car is as virtual as it gets.

Just wondering if this option of not allowing reset car in server admin was well accepted by the racers.
#2 - Vain
1. I'd go as far as removing the reset-feature completely.
2. For compromise I'd make resetting always place you at the spot where you are (most propably: in the sand), so no car gets warped around the track anymore into the way of other cars.

Quote from NaBUru38 :Or car colission could be removed for five seconds, like in other games.

You won't ever see that in LFS.
Quote from NaBUru38 :Or car colission could be removed for five seconds, like in other games.

ARCADER ALERT!! Seriously though, thats a c**p suggestion for a game of this calibre.
I'm with Vain on this one, it should be completly removed from multiplayer.
In a lot of leagues you'll get DQ'd if you reset during a race, but that's a human-monitored system and people need to search through replays to make sure a reset has happened. Noone likes searching through LFS replays longer than 5 laps.

I think a reset option controlled by a server admin would be better than removing the option altogether. In pickup sprint races it really doesn't matter if you reset as you aren't racing for points or anything. Obviously in a league the server boss could turn reset off completely, then noone would have the agonising task of searching through replays to see if anyone reset when they shouldn't have.

An alternative is to be able to choose between different damage models like in GPL: novice=no damage, advanced=light damage (both allow resets), pro=full damage and no resets (and no rejoins from the pits either). Granted, GPL's damage model is nowhere near as complex as LFS's.

Also in GPL, the game won't allow a reset when there is traffic coming (I've seen plenty of LFS cars fall from the sky and destroy me), neither will it reset on the racing line or in a sand trap. Getting stuck in sand, hitting space and landing in the same spot in the sand and being unable to get out is a particularly annoying part of LFS life whether I'm racing or practising. Why have a reset if it doesn't actually put you back on the track?

In short: keep the reset, make it a server boss option and slightly improve where (and when) it resets you

Reset car option
(5 posts, started )