The online racing simulator
Nice pics, Taavi, as always.
Attached images
XR GT original.jpg
XR GT.jpg
Tried to make a photorealistic image. You be the judge.

1280 1024

If you really think this is photorealistic, i envy you.

Skin by: jonaz lindberg
This pics is dedicate to Chanoman.

Attached images
wallpaper original.jpg
Another try, dunno if I'm on the right track here.

1280 1024

Skin by: Bean0
Your pic's looks sooooo realistic ..
Sweet, ofcourse !
Yes he is a good dessigner. I don't know because he said this...

This is dedicate to feat.

Photorealism with BF1.
Attached images
BF1 photorealism.jpg
BF1 photorealism original.jpg
@Lynce, i said what?

1280 1024

Skin by: Lynce
Taavi - sweet tough.
Lynce - Oh snap ! Sweet picture, thank you. Even if im not really BF1 lover this is nice.

Quote from maxiim :DUDE ! Why are you soooo goood at all of yours shots ? XD

I don't have the slightest clue!?

Taavi, Lynce, you guys seriously rule Go on with this !
Quote from Lynce :Yes he is a good dessigner. I don't know because he said this...

This is dedicate to feat.

Photorealism with BF1.

Love that one mate.
:wow: Taavi you're on a roll! They're so clean and awesome. Keep them coming.
Eyes won't stay open anymore. :tired:

1280 1024

Skin by: beefyman666

Edit: Thanks guys for all the positive comments. I need sleep now.
Truly awesome.

/me steals Taavi's Photoshop skills.
9 images = ~15h straight. Think again beefyman, it's like crack, once you get the ball rolling, everything else just disappears.
Quote from Taavi(EST) :9 images = ~15h straight. Think again beefyman, it's like crack, once you get the ball rolling, everything else just disappears.

Well I know the effect of a Photoshop rush. Your last pics are really great. Stay awake and make one more... haha. I really like them.
Great pics Taavi
Nice work Taavi.

I like very much your style.

Here it is optimized. Last optimized. Sorry.

(front and lef weel).
Attached images
BF1 photorealism.jpg
BF1 photorealism original.jpg
I love it
photorealistic indeed!
Here is what I did, whilst I was bored.


Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )