Trust me, his hard looks alot better than what it did before! bowl haircut
I should'nt really be up this late as i have to go into work at 9 tomorow (well, today ) morning, but im too knackered from rugby.
Plus the missus is asleep so there's no real point in going to bed atm...
well, i had a bad hairday
and some other pics of me, just took em.
2nd: You Noob!!!!!
2nd: you lookin' at me?
3rd: me serious, atempt to emo shot j/k
if i took a pic if my face right infront, it looks blown up
for the last 3: i did have a bad hairday
my skin is greesy, dunno why :s
must be the thing u use to prevent and eliminate zits (right word?)
i have really bad eye sight, i have pretty strong glasses, that and i do have big eyes
adds a nice effect tho, dont you think so?
ill have lenzes for my b-day
and no, my hair isnt allways like that
it allways looks.. good
heres me without ma glasses: