The online racing simulator
[Freaky Freak Problem] I've lost the racing groove/patch!!
Why hello.

My racing groove/patch is gone on all the tracks of the game.

I've been testing the Y19 and Y20 and didn't noticed it was gone (I was just using LFS for watching replays) till today when I've mounted the wheel for a little bit of practice...

So I went to my backup folder (I've got a backup for Patch X and Patch Y) and started that LFS.EXE...
Gone too.

Mind you, I've not used that lfs copy for many months now...
Patch X is even older, obviously, no racing groove on that too.

Last time I've raced was over two weeks ago, a 90min race and I really can remember the racing path on my game, cause I used it for guidance on entry of 2 corners...

Then I've downloaded the game again (Patch Y), started it fresh...
No racing path on it either.

Now I did not change ANY option whatsoever (and the only "option" for that is really how you want it to UPDATE and not if you want to REMOVE it, right?) or installed a new vga driver or anything like that.

All I've done was test the Y19 and Y20 and now suddenly my whole PC "can't" have a racing path on any LFS.exe I might run on it.

I'm pretty much lost over here.

(I've got a NVIDIA card, restored it to the "defaults" and no dice either - but remember, I did not change anything on it since two weeks ago, when I HAD the racing path)
So you're aware that 4 turns it on and off? Freaky problem indeed.
I mean the racing groove/path, not that new "racing line", which is activated with the 4 key...
Hmm. I'm not sure I quite understand... pictures?
Did you at any time get a message saying "path updated" or something like that? In cfg.txt what setting are your "Rubber Lay" and "Rubber Dark" variable at? The groove should re-appear if you race the track for a few laps (or, faster still, set 20 AIs to race it for 10 laps).
Quote from LazLoW :Hmm. I'm not sure I quite understand... pictures?

"Stock" LFS:

The racing groove/patch is located inside the red lines.

My LFS, as of now:
Quote from xaotik :Did you at any time get a message saying "path updated" or something like that? In cfg.txt what setting are your "Rubber Lay" and "Rubber Dark" variable at? The groove should re-appear if you race the track for a few laps (or, faster still, set 20 AIs to race it for 10 laps).

Nope, never received such a message.
By the way, I always chose to play with it without updating the path, at all (not my car path, not all cars path, no updates to the path at all).
So I guess I would never receive that message anyway.

The freak part is:
A "stock"/fresh LFS copy has a racing groove on all tracks by default, right?

I ain't seeing that, at all.

My cfg.txt:

(Saved from before I "uninstalled" my main current LFS copy)
Rubber Lay 0.60
Rubber Dark 0.80

It's the same from the Patch X and Y backups.

(From the fresh LFS Copy)
Rubber Lay 0.60
Rubber Dark 0.80

Anyway, I've never ever touched that entry on the .cfg file.
I'm not exactly sure when it resets itself, but it does on occasion.

Quote from Meanie :A "stock"/fresh LFS copy has a racing groove on all tracks by default, right?

Not that I know of - no. Set it to update from all cars, run a few laps with "rubber lay" set to 2 for example then revert it to 0.6 and set it to not update any more and you got yourself a brand new groove that never changes.
Quote from xaotik :I'm not exactly sure when it resets itself, but it does on occasion.

ALL tracks?
On ALL LFS copies? That doesn't make sense. :/

Quote from xaotik :
Set it to update from all cars, run a few laps with "rubber lay" set to 2 for example then revert it to 0.6 and set it to not update any more and you got yourself a brand new groove that never changes.

I guess the maximum value is 1.00.
I set it to 2.00 but after I closed the game and checked the cfg file, it was set at 1.00.

Anyway, when I did set it to 1.00 (the Rubber LAY, not the Rubber DARK, mind you) I could see a very thin racing groove.
And that's before I've let any AIs run through it.

Maybe I"ll do what you suggests to "solve" this but first I really would like to understand WHAT happened and WHY.

But thanks for the help so far.

P.S.: Does the game stores those "paths" anywhere?
In the <lfs_path/data/knw folder as .trs files if I am not mistaken.
Are you running Vista? Maybe its some issue with Vista not letting you write to the .trs files. Try running LFS as administrator.
Want to be looking at the PTH folder in lfs for the racing line/path/groove or whatever you wanna call it, just copy that from you main lfs folder if there no improvement try the one i have posted but backup your's incase there nothing changed.
Attached files
pth.rar - 29.9 KB - 196 views
#13 - SamH
Did you upgrade this copy of LFS directly to Y20 without installing Y19 first?
Just wait - it'll build back up again in no time after a few races. It'll make you quicker too, because you'll stop relying (consciously or subconsciously) on the darker racing line, and just do what feels quicker again.
patchy Y
Quote from Meanie :Why hello.

My racing groove/patch is gone on all the tracks of the game.

I've been testing the Y19 and Y20 and didn't noticed it was gone (I was just using LFS for watching replays) till today when I've mounted the wheel for a little bit of practice...

So I went to my backup folder (I've got a backup for Patch X and Patch Y) and started that LFS.EXE...
Gone too.

Mind you, I've not used that lfs copy for many months now...
Patch X is even older, obviously, no racing groove on that too.

Last time I've raced was over two weeks ago, a 90min race and I really can remember the racing path on my game, cause I used it for guidance on entry of 2 corners...

Then I've downloaded the game again (Patch Y), started it fresh...
No racing path on it either.

Now I did not change ANY option whatsoever (and the only "option" for that is really how you want it to UPDATE and not if you want to REMOVE it, right?) or installed a new vga driver or anything like that.

All I've done was test the Y19 and Y20 and now suddenly my whole PC "can't" have a racing path on any LFS.exe I might run on it.

I'm pretty much lost over here.

(I've got a NVIDIA card, restored it to the "defaults" and no dice either - but remember, I did not change anything on it since two weeks ago, when I HAD the racing path)


Boa tarde, pelo que entendi o patch Y19 e Y20 não estão funcionando corretamente.
Você tem baixar o patch Y, extrair ele, depois extrair patch X to Y19, so depois você extrai o Y20, vai correr tudo normal, joga normalmente, fiz assim com o jogo e esta tudo normal, tenta, vai dar certo.

