#1 - Crady
How to use a special Layout in dedicated server and other questions
Hi, there!

I built a mini Server with old hardware I found runnig XP. Now I set up a dedicated LFS Server (Y20).

But now I have some questions:

1.) how can I set a special Layout to BL1 - the layout file I copied into the data/layout folder
2.) how can I change the track while track changing for guests is not allowed
3.) How to set someone as Admin for Track - Marshal purposes?

Thanks for the Help!
well, the first, when joined as admin:
there is a command, forgot it, but its in docs/help or so
second, join as admin:
/track [track]
give that person admin pass
/axload [filename] to load a layout (filename without the short trackname)

Admin is more or less a boolean setting, true or false, yes or no. You can't grant rights for certain actions only
#4 - Crady
Thak you!

This works... but how to load a layout at startup?

And hopefully last question:

How can I give me another car - just for fun?

I have been on a GTR Server a few weeks ago an the Admin just gave the BF1 to himself... Other connectet racer were not able to choose other cars than GTR...
He probably enabled the BF1, joined, then disabled it. To enable more than one car, you can use "/cars=fxr+xrr+fzr+bf1"
#6 - Crady
Yes, this works, thank you!

err... is it now possible to join my dedicated host via Internet or must I commect via LAN??

hmm... I now see that other guest cannot connect (Time Out) why? Windows Firewall is open and port is forwarded and triggered in router???
for that, there is a search button, that problem has been answered thousand of times