I reactivated LFSremote once more so people can watch the race using remote. The name of the server is "S2 Voucher Competition - Race".
To the competitiors: Come to the server early! The qualifying will start 15:00.00.00000000, so every second you miss is away from your qualifying time. Also, this next sentence is very important:
If you don't come to the server 15:05.00, you lose the place for the race and I will contact next one on the list (Zebii, amen1, XT, ...). Those (And others as well in the list) should be "reachable" on that time, because I will contact them using forum PM and give more information (Server password, where to get the skins and what skin you must use. You will use "wrong" helmet, but we can make the necessary adjustments later [As long as the skin file name is the same]).
You can come to the server earlier. It will be up 24/7, so you can naturally come 14:00 UTC and make sure you don't forget.
It is recommended that marshals comes to the server about 15 minutes before the qualification starts (That means 14:45 UTC). I will give the teamspeak information to marshals tomorrow. If you know that you can't come, please inform me as soon as possible so I can find someone to replace you.
This is your final moment to ask me something about the race. I will gladly answer any and all questions you still might have. One thing that I should anwer even nobody have asked it: About blocking/defending. You may do defensive maneuver once per each track section (Track section means area between any two corners. That means that you can only block once in finish straight and once in the long straight). And what does mean "blocking"/"defending"? No, it doesn't mean ramming or forcing someone out from the track. If you do that, you will have penalty. It means that you can change your driving line once to prevent someone to overtake you. After this change you are allowed to return to your original driving line (That isn't counted as "additional blocking"). If you start to block to wrong direction (The opponent bluffes you and you started to change your driving line to wrong side) means that you failed your defensive maneuver and must let the other overtake you without any further blocking (However, you are not allowed to brake [It is dangerous! Another car is behind you!!]. If the opponent can't overtake you before the next turn, it is totally ok).
I have said this many times but I will once again say it: You are not allowed to shift+s or shift+p in any situations! If you can't continue the race, marshals will spectate you when the time is right. If you decide to abort the race, don't just park your car into sandtrap. Drive your cars to the pit garage and stay there.
About pitting: Do not cross multiple pitboxes while entering or exiting pitbox! Have mercy to the (imaginary) pit crew!
Use the "fast lane" of pit-lane to Drive Through -penalties. If you are about to pit, use the "middle-lane" (More close to pitboxes). When you exit the pits, look your mirrors and make sure you don't hit anyone. Those who are on "middle-lane" has right of way. And thos who are on "fast lane" has right of way to any others.
Laadidaadidaa. I know you got the point. Remember: Ask ANYTHING if you are uncertain of something. Now is the time for that.
Oh, and remember to sleep and eat well before the race. And remember to empty your ballast also.