The online racing simulator
"Best move goes to the Maclaren in adapting to Lewis mistake and capitalising on it"
Imo too much weight here is given to this adaptation, it's not like it was something amazing and spectacularly out of the ordinary. You don't switch to a 3 stopper at Monaco if you make a mistake.
Massa looked pissed in the press conference, and he's blaming the team and the strategy for not winning~? geez I hate these people...
I reckon Sutil should be in the press conference, to see his reaction to Kimi's mistake. (wreck)
Quote from mcintyrej :I reckon Sutil should be in the press conference, to see his reaction to Kimi's mistake. (wreck)

I can tell you that reaction. Sutil was disappointed for the race but wasn't angry at Raikkonen. Jean Alesi, commenting for Rai TV, said that after this fair reaction (Sutil said he shed some tears, was down, but calm) Sutil is his new idol.
1 Ferrari 69
2 McLaren-Mercedes 53
3 BMW Sauber 52
4 Williams-Toyota 15
5 Red Bull-Renault 15
6 Toyota 9
7 Renault 9
8 STR-Ferrari 6
9 Honda 6
10 Force India-Ferrari 0
11 Super Aguri-Honda 0

yep, unlucky Sutil. From my point of view we had "child-ish" behaviour from 2 Champions, Alonso and Kimi. But its racing, stuff like that happens.

Force India is going to take it to the marshals the chief said "If it was a Force India car taking out World Champion we would get probably a ban or a hard penalty, but now i doubt Ferrari will get anything" That makes alot of sence. One of the things why F1 sometimes can suck, if ur a slower team u will always be blamed. Kinda like LFS sometimes, if u follow a leader or he laps u and crashes he will blame you.

Overall amazing race
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :DC is not the one to worry about, the ones to worry about are the rookies like Vettel and Piquet, they do well to finish dry races on wide tracks with plenty of room for error, so Monaco in the wet with no TC should equal massive noob pile up.

would you like some salt with that hat?
sutil... brilliant mistake free race... same for vettel and other than kubica everybody of the well established drivers drove like a complete idiot especially kimi who forgot that you should slow down for corners twice

id really like to see sutil punch kimi but just like hamilton hes no senna
Haven't had a chance to watch the last couple of races..then a cracker like this happens, glad I took the afternoon off work Plenty of good driving, and some exciting moments.

Do feel sorry for Sutil though, he did drive a good consistant race, and got taken out by an accident. I don't believe Force India will get anywhere appealing to the marshals, there were plenty of mistakes in that race.
Quote from Shotglass :... [H]amilton he['s] no [S]enna[.]

Hamilton might have the talent of Senna, Hamilton might have the same style yellow helmet of Senna, but he has not got the charisma of Senna, and is simply not Senna. Senna was just so much more then a great driver, he was a great man. Hamilton might be a great driver, but I can't say yet if he is a great man. There is just so much more personality to Senna.
Sutil showed much more "Senna" in himself today than Hamilton did.
My take on the race

a) Fantastic race and a well deserved win for Lewis.
b) Absolutely gutted for Sutil and Force India, think they deserve free Ferrari engines for the rest of the season for that one.
c) Nasty looking crash for Rosberg, pleased he's ok.
d) Lonso lost the plot again.
e) Really think it's time for DC to hang up his helmet tbh.
f) James Allen truly is a complete and utter cock. He was unbearable this race with all his comparisons to Lewis Hamilton and Senna. Someone please shoot him before the next race...
I think ITV just hit a new low... that was ridiculous

Poor Sutil/Force India... guy was amazing today, easily driver of the day, really unlucky for them. Nice to see Webber finally getting a run of good races without anything going wrong though
Quote from Albieg :

Yours, calling someone bastard for an accident, is a spirit that goes well with your team name.

if you look, oooh, maybe a page back there was someone calling him a twat which I think is far worse. Take a joke man, I was really hoping he'd come 4th but was wiped out, accidentally or not by Kimi
And Force India file a complaint...
Quote from :He had been comfortably ahead of Raikkonen’s Ferrari when Rosberg crashed, and was later assaulted by the red car going into the chicane as the race resumed. Raikkonen had got into the same sort of tank-slapper as David Coulthard did in qualifying, and though the Finn kept control of his car he smacked hard enough into the back of Sutil’s car to remove his own front wing and put the unfortunate German out of the greatest race of his life. Force India have asked stewards to look into the incident.

Well put indeed, nothing will come of the complaint.
Once Kimi had lost the car (which was the mistake, very very similar to Coulthards qualifying accident), he held on and nearly caught 4 or 5 BIG tankslappers!!!! If Sutil hadn't been there we'd all be saying what an amazing catch, and what amazing car control he had!

Coulthard isn't the best in F1, but he was in the wall immediately, compared to Kimi's fight for survival!

Still a shame though. Sutil and Vettel have proved a lot today.
Quote from tristancliffe :he held on and nearly caught 4 or 5 BIG tankslappers!!!! If Sutil hadn't been there we'd all be saying what an amazing catch, and what amazing car control he had!

hes still a twat for needlessly forcing himself into such a mistake on cold tyres while trailing the slowest car with the fastest and with time to spare to wait for a good opportunity
Quote from tristancliffe :Once Kimi had lost the car (which was the mistake, very very similar to Coulthards qualifying accident), he held on and nearly caught 4 or 5 BIG tankslappers!!!! If Sutil hadn't been there we'd all be saying what an amazing catch, and what amazing car control he had!

Coulthard isn't the best in F1, but he was in the wall immediately, compared to Kimi's fight for survival!

Still a shame though. Sutil and Vettel have proved a lot today.

I was thinking the very same about Kimi at the time. When you watch it in real time it really is masterful stuff, such fast hands, and he's still slowing the car as much as he can all the way down.

Good race, I thought. It kept me interested throughout, and that's rare. The cars look great (from a spectator's point of view) when the track gets wet, and sound so much better too.
The only interesting race in the whole season and I miss it because I was helping a friend to move.

I think it's ridiculous to blame Kimi for that crash. It was a huge disappointment, but it's not like he's the only driver who had problems keeping the car pointing the right way today. And to be fair if Sutil's car hadn't been there he would've probably just jumped the chicane and carried on - pretty awesome car control.

Alonso's move on Heidfeld, now that was stupid.

Full credit to Hamilton, he had awesome pace. Given that he was fat with fuel from lap 6 he did well to keep himself in contention for the win, and did exactly what he needed to take it. I still think he's a smug twat but his driving is good to watch.

Rotten luck for Sutil. Hope we have rain at Montreal so he can have another go.
wow Webber 15 pts equal with hekki
Quote from thisnameistaken :I think it's ridiculous to blame Kimi for that crash. It was a huge disappointment, but it's not like he's the only driver who had problems keeping the car pointing the right way today. And to be fair if Sutil's car hadn't been there he would've probably just jumped the chicane and carried on - pretty awesome car control.

Alonso's move on Heidfeld, now that was stupid.

Full credit to Hamilton, he had awesome pace. Given that he was fat with fuel from lap 6 he did well to keep himself in contention for the win, and did exactly what he needed to take it. I still think he's a smug twat but his driving is good to watch.

Rotten luck for Sutil. Hope we have rain at Montreal so he can have another go.

But the same thing happened to coulthard and everyone blamed him for beging a noob but when Mr world champion does it, its a different story.

It was Kimis fualt as if it wasn't it would of happened to alot of drivers but it didn't.

Massa really showed everyone he is just as good or even better then kimi.
I thought Kimi was better in wet conditions, like Finns usually are. What a disappointment
Kev, I'll be sure to take my buckets and hose to ensure a wet race in Montreal.
Last time was very exiting as well and it was dry!

Montreal is very low grip circuit so its basically going to be like Melbourne so if it doesn't rain it should still have enough fun factor.

[F1] Monaco GP 2008 *SPOILERS*
(378 posts, started )