The online racing simulator
Quote from Jakg :Have the insurance company agreed to give you €5,000, or are they going to right it off for €5,000?

If it's the latter, then do it, then buy it back off them and spend the extra on ditching the interior for bucket seats and a roll cage if you really want to race.

Hehe told you so :P
since it got all torn up just rip all the inside out and start from scratch and get a garage
Congrats! Glad to hear your keeping the car.

Im shocked the damage total is so high. After seing the pic's, it did;nt look that bad. I did'nt think it would be so high for that car.

Anyway, good luck with getting it back on the road again.
Preliminary insurance payment is little less than 1000 euros... Gash. I pay more than that per year to have all available insurances (Theft, vandalism, fire, deer, car accident caused by me...).
Quote from Kamrock :I say the entire LFS Forum hunt these bar-stewards down and slowly torture them with Microsoft Error Messages

Like this one ?
Attached images
And here it comes... Are you ready?

They will pay me 322,75 euros! And I pay over 1k eur per year for this shit!

My life is ruined.
Quote from Gekkibi :And here it comes... Are you ready?

They will pay me 322,75 euros! And I pay over 1k eur per year for this shit!

My life is ruined.

Is that €322.75 or €32,275? The whole . , thing being different there confuses the crap out of me.

If the former, your insurance company sucks balls.
Quote from Gekkibi :And here it comes... Are you ready?

They will pay me 322,75 euros! And I pay over 1k eur per year for this shit!

My life is ruined.

What company? Because that is just plain ridiculous.
Quote from Gekkibi :I saw flame thrower car alarm video in the 90's. I could install that to my next project car (944 Turbo S [Price: Priceless. 1000 pcs were ever made], 951 [Depends on the quality. 15-20k eur] or 70's 911 [Purely depends on the quality. From "Will not start" 10k eur up to 80k eur]).

All 944 Turbo (951) which have been made after 1988 (when the 944 Turbo S came out) are basically identical with the 944 Turbo S. So don't let anybody tell you it's worth a lot more. The colors are ugly anyway (IMO), especially the interior. And yes, it was limited, but there have been 1300-1600 (not sure anymore, but i think 1600) produced, not only 1000. They were talking about producing 1000 first, but since the demand was high, they ended up with more.
I pay just above that for insurance on a 1.0L Yaris. Yet if I wrote it off, I'd probably only get €500. And I'm a learner driver When I get my full license, the price should half apparently.

If you're not just learning to drive, that compensation (and insurance price) is scandalous. I'd seriously consider going to court over that, if all they're offering you is €320...
It depends how they rate the car. Here in switzerland, there is some "booklet" called "eurotax". There you can find any car which isn't older than 10-15 years IIRC. It will tell you how much a car is still worth after a certain time.

Insurance companies are usually going by that.

If a car is not in this booklet anymore, or is a classic or something like that, then they have to look at the average price which is payed on the market. If this is not the case in Finland (which i don't know), then there is nothing you can do about it.
When I took the all-in-one insurance, they said that they will pay what it costs to restore the condition (Because I mentioned this is "historic" car). Only words.

They won't pay new dashboard or bucket seat because the bad condition won't affect the usage of the vehicle. And what about the original radio & cd-changer (Ya, 80's cd-changer...): I don't have any proofs that they were originals.
Quote from Gekkibi :When I took the all-in-one insurance, they said that they will pay what it costs to restore the condition (Because I mentioned this is "historic" car). Only words.

They won't pay new dashboard or bucket seat because the bad condition won't affect the usage of the vehicle. And what about the original radio & cd-changer (Ya, 80's cd-changer...): I don't have any proofs that they were originals.

Well that sucks...Could you have what's left of the car looked at by an expert, who could tell the company that everything is indeed original? I can understand them not paying for the dash or whatever, but I'd have thought that they would pay for maybe even 50% of the total damage? Guess you won't be sticking with that company any more then
Quote from Gekkibi :When I took the all-in-one insurance, they said that they will pay what it costs to restore the condition (Because I mentioned this is "historic" car). Only words.

Never take "words" from insurance companies for granted. They will always try to get out of it in a cheap way.

I guess in your case, you would have had to make a "certificate" (dunno the english word, in german it's a "wert-gutachten") for the car. This means a guy who is certified doing this, or a guy from the insurance, would have had to come and take a look at the car (when it was still ok), and then make an estimate on how much it is worth. In that case you would have this certificate and the insurance company would have to pay you the price it states the car is worth.

PS: I know how much pain it is to "lose" such a car. It's worth a lot more for you personally than just the "material"... it can't be replaced. You simply have to keep the good memories.
Insurance companies are all the same, they will happily take your money off you, but when it comes to paying out they will use every trick in the book to pay you the smallest amount possible.

If you think about it you would have been better off not insuring your car at all! (stupid law)
Quote from anttt69 :If you think about it you would have been better off not insuring your car at all! (stupid law)

I tried that and ended up with a ban