Well, I always knew there was a bug with the NV 169.XX drivers, so I'm used to it not working that way. But, nHancer always worked, it was the only reason I had it installed. But now, it does nothing, just like the NV control panel.
I've tried reinstalling, removing all old files, profiles, even anything in the registry, reinstalled, and somehow it still remembered my settings.
Now here's the strange part, and it must be related. I cannot change any of the options for LFS in nHancer. It will let me choose anything I like, but when I close it and reopen it, it has my old settings I used to use, which are actually the settings I want. So then I tried adding LFS.exe as a new profile, and it applied the same settings and won't let me change them either.
All I did was, uninstall my nvidia drivers, install the new ones. Didn't like them, properly uninstalled and reinstalled the 169.25, absolutely everything else works perfectly. My overclocks are fine, I can change them as much as I like, in other games I can change settings as I like.
Somehow, nHancer is just, stuck, with these settings, won't let me change them, and they're not actually functioning. If they worked I woudln't care, because it's the setttings I want. Other than reinstalling, I dunno what to do, I dunno how the app even remembered my old settings... I even tried moving the LFS folder to a new folder, so the path wouldnt work, then addded LFS.exe from there as a new profile, and still, same settings come up, it won't even allow me to set lfs settings to global, it will say and act as tho it does, but when i reopen it, it's back to the way it was. I'm at a complete loss here, this all started when I changed my drivers around, but it's back to exactly how it used to be because I got frustrated and just did a restore. I did a restore directly before I installed the new drivers, just in case I ran into any bugs like this. Nothing helps, and I'm clueless.