Race 4 of LXO will take place on the Kyoto Oval including a custom autocross layout which we tried to design secure within the current limitation of LFS' engine. However, there are still some challenging parts and thus we'll give you a few tips:
Track: KY1R (custom layout)
Car: LX6
Qualifying: 15min
Laps: 25
Live timing provided by elitesquad: http://www.elitesqd.com/modules.php?name=LfsPb
- Although the first chicane looks fast, the following turn is quite slow. Brake early ("slow in, fast out") to avoid snap oversteer and running into the tyre stacks, especially if there is someone driving in front or next to you.
- If you are too late on the brakes, don't try to turn it at all costs and use the escape routes - it'll reduce hazards for others and damage for you. Remember that drivers following the racing line have always the right-of-way over those rejoining the track.
- In case someone crashed or touched the outside tyre stacks of the first chicane, you are never allowed to use gaps except for a T1 pile-up on lap 1. Otherwise, we'll enforce strict penalties for cutting.
- Know the limitations of the current autocross system and be always extra careful when racing close near walls. We don't like to see flying cars because someone didn't left enough room.
Track: KY1R (custom layout)
Car: LX6
Qualifying: 15min
Laps: 25
Live timing provided by elitesquad: http://www.elitesqd.com/modules.php?name=LfsPb