The online racing simulator
LFSCART 2008 - Season 1
(186 posts, started )
Quote from lizardfolk :Falke you REALLY NEED A SITE (for a subsection). Do you have any problems creating one?

no... it is under devellopement but not public yet..
rulebook updated... I think it is now final...
Upcoming Saturday (24th May) we are going to have a practice for LFSCART roadcourse rolling starts. Therefore we are going to do three little nice 7-lap (+1 warm-up lap) races after an 20 min Qualifying. The session starts at 18UTC. It is not madentory to appear and it will not count to the Kyoto 500 test sessions, but it will be a good training for the upcomeing season.

1750GMT Server set private
1805GMT Qualifying (20min)
1830GMT Race 1
1900GMT Race 2
1930GMT Race 3

the server will be FRO|FormulaRacing|#2

Everyone is invited to take part! Just inform me before the server is set to private. (means before 1750UTC)

PS: I hope I does not hit you too bad, that the Eurovison Song Contest starts at 19 UTC.
28 / Zecevic Nikola / Gospel of Torque / Serbia / (niikoolaa)
Sign Ups stay opened for Round 1, although I wanted to close it today. I posted a wrong date earlier, so I want to be fair enough to stay at the wrong date.

Sign Ups for Round 1 stay opened untill Wednesday the 28th of May, 12:00 UTC/GMT
To point it out again, mid season joins are possible!
26 / Gluscevic Lado / Gospel of Torque / Serbia / (Ladinho)
Please choose a different number, because 07 is taken.
number changed, rgds
My entry needs to be changed, as my team has changed.
Change it to "Fragmaster Racing"
Quote from Fuse5 :My entry needs to be changed, as my team has changed.
Change it to "Fragmaster Racing"


14 / Marcilius Nerius / Exburos-Racing / Lithuania / (expolite) the update
please everyone who did not do the 300 laps yet, do it soon
A reminder (as if you'd forgotten ) that Round 1 is tonight at 1900 UTC - server is FRO #2. I've no idea what the normal pass is - so get to Falke if you don't know it

I'm on now and will be until race start if you want to do some practice
Quote from J@tko :A reminder (as if you'd forgotten ) that Round 1 is tonight at 1900 UTC - server is FRO #2. I've no idea what the normal pass is - so get to Falke if you don't know it

I'm on now and will be until race start if you want to do some practice

Thx J@tko... everyone who is allowed to participate should have a PM with Password and Server and the Timetable.

(graphic by fuse)
83 / Errikkson / Formula Racing / Finland / Hibex

Late entry, sorry but stand in for me as i dont think i can race due to net connection problems.


Best, Maz
confirming here, that i wont participate in the first round, i have to prepare for a national exam.
Quote from Fuse5 :confirming here, that i wont participate in the first round, i have to prepare for a national exam.

okey... fine... well it's okey...

I forgot to say thanks for the great great Ads
36/ Timo Hynninen / saucisse de foie / Finland / hyntty

I won't attend round 4 for sure, probably not round 2 and maybe not round 5
Race Report, replays and results:

Stormcloud ripped everyone apart in quali with a lap 2 seconds faster than everyone else, with a 2.07. Ladinho was second on the grid.

Race 1
We had a good clean start, then a crash involving nikoolaa on the sea front. He was upside down and brought out the SC. After I failed trying the bring in the SC too soon, racing restarted. Hibex got a great restart and was up the inside of Stormcloud at T1. He ran a bit wide, and stormcloud cut back onto him. However, he (Stormcloud) ran onto the grass turning into T2 and span into the tyres. This put him at the back of the field. He had to pit to fix the damage, but then put together a Senna-esque (sorry - had to ) recovery, setting fastest lap after fastest lap to finish 5th.

Hibex won, with Hyntty in second and Bogi in 3rd.

Race 2
Again, a clean start for Race 2. Stormcloud battled towards the front of the pack, and pitted early to get some clean air. He rattled off some fantastic lap times again, and actually took the lead despite none of the other front-runners having pitted yet. After the other front runners pitted, Stormcloud kept up the fantastic pace and left the others in his dust. He set 2 new personal bests in the race itself, and won by miles - quite literally Only 2 other people remained on the same lap, and in the case of Hyntty, only just

Second place was Hibex, 3rd Hyntty

Overall, some fantastic racing, an FO8 masterclass from Stormcloud and lots of fun despite the low attendance

Race 2 replay is to big to upload.
Attached images
race 1.JPG
Race 2.JPG
Attached files
LFSCART Round 1 Race 1.mpr - 1.5 MB - 235 views
Championship Standings after Round 1 (Unofficial)
Quote from TFalke55 :

Nations cup Woot!

But I thought Hibex was Swedish.

And you misspelled my name

Edited my sign-up information (above)
Quote from hyntty :But I thought Hibex was Swedish.

I think you are correct.

Quote from hyntty : And you misspelled my name

Oh dear - not another person

You really need to change your name to something easier to spell
Hmm, watched the replay. Not many people but nice race anyways. I only watched Race 1 though.
How does the Nation's Cup work?

LFSCART 2008 - Season 1
(186 posts, started )