The online racing simulator
Eh? What? Nipples bleeding?


Not usually bought unless there's a woman in the household, but it does stop your clothes feeling like sandpaper.

Hahaha! Bleeding nipples! Never heard of that!
LOL, well, there is a woman in my house, and we do indeed have fabric softener!!!.

It's a combination of the copious amounts of sweat that 6 miles running generates, and the friction of the top moving about very slightly that does it.

It doesn't hurt while you are running, but my god does it smart when you shower afterwards!!!!.

A couple of plasters on the old nips now, no worries's_nipple
jibber - You've never had your girlfriend vigorously eat whipped cream off them, then.
You ain't seen nothing till you've seen nipples after 8 weeks of breastfeeding, O....M.....G...
Quote from Bob Smith :jibber - You've never had your girlfriend vigorously eat whipped cream off them, then.

You're right actually... LOL!

Call me boring, but i had other things than food in my mind so far when making love...
#82 - Nobo
I am about to start to my first official run (5km) since 1 year ago . It starts at 10:00 cet ... i am a bit nervous as i dont know where i am standing ...last year i did a 19min01s ...i feel better this year but dont think i can reach that time ... i am happy when i get under 20:00
Good luck fella. let us know how you get on
#84 - Nobo
Well i just came home. Its about 19min 30secs . This year but it was a bit different "track" a little longer then last year is my guess. It felt good it was a bit cold 7°C, cloudy and high humidity.
I started a bit to fast and at about 2 km i started to get slower and slower and the first women have overtaken me.
Well short before the stadium i thought we will run straight into the finish. So i started to get faster and sprint, just to realise that we are doing , instead of the last years in the other stadium, another lap on the banking of the cycling track. That totally broke me
Well never start to fast

But all in all it was a good morning workout ... i am motivated to do some runs this year
Nice one mate, wish I could do 5km in 20mins, quickest I can do is about 28mins!!!
#86 - Nobo
6-7 years of running, not regulary, a kind of light body structure. Ilost 10 kg since the beginning, coming from 90kg. I dont drink nor smoke. Meh...i have a boring life ... When i started go running, my times over 5km were quite the same as yours
One week to go till the big day, nervous as hell, did a nice 6 mile training run today on the road, concetrating on keeping pace down, I think one of the things treadmills do badly is getting you used to setting your own pace, and I tend to find I run away with myself and run too fast, so I am try to work on pacing myself.

It's looking likely I will finish between 60 - 70 mins, although finishing at all will be a triumph!!!.

It's been a long road, 24 stone coach potato who could barely walk up stairs, to being able to run 6 miles at a reasonable pace!!
That's some achievement there in itself. All the best for the big day.
#89 - Nobo
Hey Dan, all the best for your 10 km run. Get this thing done!
And do you feel better now then before as a coach potato?

Did another 5 km run today, as i dont have a clock, i dont know the outcome
Race done, 68:21 , could have probably gone faster for the first 5K, and first really warm day of the year, 21C, can you believe it!!!.

Will post more later.
Great, grats!
#92 - Nobo
Gratz Dan, great achievement.
Thanks, I really wanted to go sub-60mins, but I am quite happy with what I did.

I was quite tough, certainly wasn't used to running in any sort of heat, but very satisfying, I came 261st overall, out of about 340+ sign-ups, not sure how many didn't turn up or dropped out due to injury, but I didn't come last.

Now I just need to decide what to aim for next, photo of me and results attached should anyone be interested
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Just a little bump to keep this fresh, for those that are interested

Training has now stepped up a level, am now doing longer runs in an attempt to get better, I have decided I will never be "fast", so I am going to distance .

Did a 7 mile training run this weekend, just over an hour, which I was pleased about.

Have decided to sign up for another 10K at the end of June, will be aiming for sub 60mins, hopefully I will do it this time round, and am intending on doing my first half marathon in September, the Great Eastern Run, which I am aiming to complete in 2hrs 20mins.

If I manage all that, then next up will be a full marathon!!!.
Quote from danowat :It's been a long road, 24 stone coach potato who could barely walk up stairs, to being able to run 6 miles at a reasonable pace!!

Wow, I did not know this until I just read this post That's an amazing achievement, congratulations! I read in your blog that you are 11 stone something now, so this means you actually lost more than half your weight? Very inspiring
Not quite 11 stone, think I would blow away in a breeze if I were!!!.

I am now 15 stone, which is still 9 stone, quite a big percentage.

If I can do it anyone can
That's great It's been 10 years since I lived in England and we only use pounds here, so I didn't think of what 11 stone actually was, yeah, that's a bit light! You must be noticing the improved power to weight ratio on your motorbike
#98 - Nobo
Nice you have some goals after your 10k run!

btw: thx for motivating me with this thread to start running again this year
Just a quick bump.

Training is going well, feeling strong about this next 10k race.

Loving my new Garmin forerunner 405, its bloody awesome and a great motivational tool

Plus, I have lost another stone (14lb's) in weight since Jan
Quote from danowat :Just a quick bump.

Training is going well, feeling strong about this next 10k race.

Loving my new Garmin forerunner 405, its bloody awesome and a great motivational tool

Plus, I have lost another stone (14lb's) in weight since Jan

Thats nice mate! Very nice indeed
Keep up the good work. I guess seeing the kg's disapear is a good motivation? I have no idea what Garmin forerunner is tho.

The road to 26.2 miles (was 10km training)
(246 posts, started )