what a lovely welcoming thread topic, i hope you didnt cringe too much.
anyway its a Logitech DFP and i got my friend to buy one at the same time too! Hell be getting LFS asap i suppose.
ive never had a wheel before so its all new to me, and im having a few issues with it. ok here goes.
1) I have the wheel setup as 720 degrees in XP, and in LFS its set at 720 but when I drive the wheel loses its center position and I have to go to options and re-center it by clicking the "C" next to the wheel axis. does everyone have to do this regularly or am I doing something wrong?
2) Ok, I heard of some oscillation too, ive been getting some. in the FO8 at top gear on a straight if i take my hands off the wheel lightly, as if i were lightly holding the wheel of a car in one hand, its starts to oscillate. is that just because im not fighting the feedback (not holding wheel tightly enough) and its oscillating or is that a setup thing too?
3) Can I setup the other buttons on my wheel to perform other actions from in-game. I would like Start to do Shift R, and Select to do Escape key. and L2 and R2 for my indicators, is it possible to do that with LFS without being able to do it from options menu.
Thanks all!!

anyway its a Logitech DFP and i got my friend to buy one at the same time too! Hell be getting LFS asap i suppose.

ive never had a wheel before so its all new to me, and im having a few issues with it. ok here goes.
1) I have the wheel setup as 720 degrees in XP, and in LFS its set at 720 but when I drive the wheel loses its center position and I have to go to options and re-center it by clicking the "C" next to the wheel axis. does everyone have to do this regularly or am I doing something wrong?
2) Ok, I heard of some oscillation too, ive been getting some. in the FO8 at top gear on a straight if i take my hands off the wheel lightly, as if i were lightly holding the wheel of a car in one hand, its starts to oscillate. is that just because im not fighting the feedback (not holding wheel tightly enough) and its oscillating or is that a setup thing too?
3) Can I setup the other buttons on my wheel to perform other actions from in-game. I would like Start to do Shift R, and Select to do Escape key. and L2 and R2 for my indicators, is it possible to do that with LFS without being able to do it from options menu.
Thanks all!!