The online racing simulator
#26 - SamH
Niels, I couldn't agree more! The points in CTRA are just a road you travel. What makes it fun are the people you meet and race with on the way
Quote from SamH :Niels, I couldn't agree more! The points in CTRA are just a road you travel. What makes it fun are the people you meet and race with on the way

100% agree.
Quote from Toddshooter :When you speak and write a second language as well as Niels does, then you can start to correct his punctuation.
If you want to correct someones correct mine, it's horrible.

Sorry, didn't mean to be rude, it's a bad habit of mine
Quote from niels1 :So forget you award for getting a higher license just focus on having fun m8. Thats it. Nothing more nothing less.

I think we are missing the point a little here and getting over zealous with the "in the good ole days we didn't care for points! We are just here for fun alone!" responses

Quote from niels1 :The one thing I have learned from progressing in license is the skill in driving. Not the price, award or whatever you call it. And in the end I did pay the price big time. I lost all interest in LFS bcus it was getting to serious.

Of course! And the skills learned as you progress allow you access to different servers which requires certain skills. I wonder, if everyone was suddenly stripped of their points and all the servers opened up, would there be complaints? The fun surely would be affected

If the CTRA is soley for run and pick up games then why have licenses? Sure, being a points whore can feel like it gets a bit too serious when people are driving on a server on their own soley to gain a license increase. But the stages in license exist and therefore there is nothing wrong with having fun AND making progress in the system

My initial post isn't a moan, complaint or a winge, I was simply wondering if the stage of Gold license had any advantages because a quick look through the website didn't reveal any.

So anyway, I don't think there is anything at all wrong with a feeling of satisfaction in gaining a license stage. It's a milestone which says... "Well done mate, you worked hard for that and here's a little chocolate bar as a reward."

I just couldn't see where the gold chocolate bars were. I haven't even MADE gold license yet! I was just curious...
Quote from SamH :Niels, I couldn't agree more! The points in CTRA are just a road you travel. What makes it fun are the people you meet and race with on the way

As one famous person once said...

Quote :“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started”

And also...

Quote :“We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.”

But then someone else also said...

Quote :“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

Damn... so maybe the CTRA needs a religious section? Does that mean Sam would be God?
#31 - SamH
I want to be Buddha. I already have the body for it
LOL Sam as Budda, gotta keep eating those icecreams I think =)

Yeager there is more attached to the licenses than what is currently being used, but they will be shown when X2 is released, but who knows when that is, it takes a good portion of our time just to manage what we have now so...

I know it isnt a moan. The CTRA gives you the best pickup race outhere. There isnt a server with that high quality racing, or well it used to be. Dont know now bcus I havent been on LFS for a while.

But the good part is you get points for winning races. I used to call it mine career move until I had platinum. After achieving that the rest seemd pointless. Titanium is sofaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away i kinda lost interest.

If i return it will be for the good fun I used too have there with CR, Playzone, UKCT, FPR and many more teams and not for the points. Its pointless
Quote from niels1 :@yeager,

I know it isnt a moan. The CTRA gives you the best pickup race outhere. There isnt a server with that high quality racing, or well it used to be. Dont know now bcus I havent been on LFS for a while.

But the good part is you get points for winning races. I used to call it mine career move until I had platinum. After achieving that the rest seemd pointless. Titanium is sofaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away i kinda lost interest.

If i return it will be for the good fun I used too have there with CR, Playzone, UKCT, FPR and many more teams and not for the points. Its pointless

So you only had fun with other teams hey, Niels.
HR is no fun after all.
When you're licensed for all the cars, the points aspect isn't as big of a deal as when you are stuck in the lower levels.

SS2 is dead as a dead thing atm, I'll never get to use the FO8
@ Spikey : You git . Yeah off course iwth HR. All drives of HR on CTRA, those were the days.

@ Beano : Your right, I still wonder how you guys keep interested ?
#37 - Dru
Quote from niels1 :

If i return it will be for the good fun I used too have there with CR, Playzone, UKCT, FPR and many more teams and not for the points. Its pointless

Ahem to that Brother
#38 - SamH
Quote from Dru :Ahem to that Brother

I have some Benolyn, if you think it will help...
#39 - Dru
Quote from SamH :I have some Benolyn, if you think it will help...

I've not got a chesty cough mate - but if you've got some night nurse.... then send it my way sister

god dam can't spell Amen!
#40 - SamH
hehe! Geez man, wake up!
Dragging this back on topic...

I must say I'm disappointed to find out that I won't gain anything from obtaining a Gold license. I'm ~80% complete through Silver, but now that I know it won't do any good to put in the time to complete it, why bother? I don't care about points at all, but I'd like to not be denied access to GT1 cars. The amount of time it would take to get to Platinum is absurd. Most of the people who have very advanced licenses only got them under the old system whereby points were very easy to acquire. Currently Platinum means shit as far as driving ability, which is a flaw in the CTRA system itself - advanced licenses should be indicative of driving skill, not luck. Currently they just show who exploited the old system in a timely manner.

IMO when the all-new version of the X-system comes out, stats should be reset.
Didn't Moose join us after the new system was started?

I do agree that gold could have more meaning, but we haven't looked at it farther yet.
#43 - SamH
There is currently no scheduled replacement for the X-System. X2 is an extension to, not a replacement for, the X system. Stats will not be reset.
#44 - Dru
Quote from Lateralus :Dragging this back on topic...

The amount of time it would take to get to Platinum is absurd. Most of the people who have very advanced licenses only got them under the old system whereby points were very easy to acquire. Currently Platinum means shit as far as driving ability, which is a flaw in the CTRA system itself - advanced licenses should be indicative of driving skill, not luck. Currently they just show who exploited the old system in a timely manner.

I'm sorry but that statement is not entirely true. People STILL had to earn their points - just as they do know - the only difference is that nowadays there is the reporting function.

Yes - you could argue that some Platinum drivers are not what you might expect - but they have earned their places just as rightly as anyone else.

Regarding Moose - he got platinum under the old system came through the ranks of the TBO server when it did mean something to have the silver/gold etc etc.

If memory serves me right i used to idolise him and his sped in a BTSS livery Vauxhall FXO (don't tell him i stil idolise him) it's hard enuff to get his head in a helmet with the antlers already - never mind if he gets a bigger head with all these compliments i give him
Quote from Lateralus :Dragging this back on topic...

............... Most of the people who have very advanced licenses only got them under the old system whereby points were very easy to acquire. Currently Platinum means shit as far as driving ability, which is a flaw in the CTRA system itself - advanced licenses should be indicative of driving skill, not luck. Currently they just show who exploited the old system in a timely manner.......................

Now that isnt entirly thrue and you know it. I have spend a lot of hours on CTRA3 as soon as I got my silver. In a lot I mean a hell of a lot. And with spending those hours skills merge up and makes you winning. And winning gives the points, surely there was a time that points were for grab. But we did say something about it and point system was changed by SamH. I think its rather disrespectfull to those who have platinum or higher by saying such things.
Do you know what kinda effort it costs ??
#46 - SamH
Getting Platinum on the old system wasn't easy. I don't know where that idea comes from at all. We slowed progress a little with the X-System, but not so significantly that it would discredit anyone who had worked hard before the X-System. We also DEMOTED a lot of Silver licenced racers (25+, IIRC) at one time, who were not up to standard.

This week alone, CTRA admins have demoted 4 racers from Gold to Bronze on the strength of some serious lapses in their racing standards. Having a licence is NOT just racing a lot until you get a licence, you also have to hold on to it. There is hesitation on the part of CTRA admins, and a lot of consideration is involved in such a decision, but when it is necessary we WILL act. We make no apology for it. Only Platinum-standard racers can hold a Platinum licence. That's the point.
@ yeager - it really doesn't take that long to get from gold to platinum. As you must know from having a silver licence, the GTR2's and LRF cars can rack up some real nice points on a busy server if you are near the head of the pack. I think my best was 147 points from a single race

Now platinum to titanium, that is a long way
Quote :We slowed progress a little with the X-System

Did we? I dont know if you've changed it since but the algorythm is fundamentally the same as back in the STCC days.

Sure there have been changes, the introduction of the points for a clean race system, changes to car classes and what have you.

If anything the inclusion of LRF on a silver licence makes it faster under the new system as race distance is completed quicker.

The real change is not in the points given, but the slightly shorter races, less race time equals less points, but then you get another race much faster so it evens out...
#49 - SamH
Exactly, factoring the yellow flag in the points calculation slows progress. That didn't happen automatically in the STCC days, and does now. In the STCC days, it was done manually through observation and the reporting system. In real terms, though, it's no different from how it was except in the mechanics of how things are achieved.

We've made various very small changes to the algorythm this year, but nothing very significant. Everything is rightly premised on a good race with clean laps.
Where is my wheel ???, cant find it wanna race !!!!!!!!!!