I had to try 3-4 times on rapidshare before I finally succeeded. I hate those cats too, one of the worst things rapidshare ever implemented.
Anyways, I watched and I must say that although it's pretty nicely done and all, it didn't exactly had "Lynce" written all over it, if you know what I mean. The sound I heard wasn't as synced to the video as I would've wished it to be, and the whole thing just didn't really match. Now, I can understand the difficulty in matching IRL sounds to video from LFS, and that it can't be done perfectly but there was some bigger mistakes in this vid that maybe could've been avoided. I'm talking about mistakes such as when you hear the car fly passed the camera but the video wasn't showing that happen. Hard for me to explain but yea.
It's a nice vid though, it's not bad work at all. I certainly couldn't have done better. But I don't think it was worth trying 3-4 times on rapidshare to see it.