The online racing simulator
Support for G25 sequential shifter
Hey guys. Some cars in LFS have sequential 'boxes but they use paddle shift on G25. Is there a possibility of changing to the sequential shifter in LFS?
of course, just rebind the controls to fit your needs. You can bind them to every button on the wheel/shifter you like.
Ok i have done that but i have to re-bind it for the h-shifter
Use scripts so LFS rebinds controls for certain cars everytime you use them.
Oh okay can you show me how to make scripts please
Shouldn't my XRR script be

// This script is run when you select the XRR
run sequential

instead of

// This script is run when you select the XRR
run road

Of course, this is also fixed in the test patches, btw.
Hey AndroidXP the sequenial cars still use paddles what do i do now?
...are you sure you've changed the shifter on the G25 to the sequential mode? If you have, you can't possibly have trouble rebinding the controls.
(AndroidXP) DELETED by AndroidXP
I have but then i have to rebind them for the h-shifter
You have to add these rebindings in the road/sequential/paddle.lfs, as I pointed out earlier.
PM me if you want the Scripts for a G25 (currently I am not at home). I did it for me and it works flawless with every Car / shifting Method.
G25 Scripts
Hi all,

since there are a few Replies via PM I post the Scripts just here.

I only altered 3 of the Scripts since all the "Car" Scripts call the sequential, paddle and road Scripts.
I will explain the Scripts and what they do (not much, but maybe it helps what to do when driving with them the 1st time).

  • Put your H-Shifter in sequential Mode please.
  • Left Paddle: Shift down
  • Right Paddle: Shift up
  • Push Shifter forward: Pit Limiter
  • Pull Shifter backwards: Handbrake
  • Put your H-Shifter into H-Shifter Mode please.
  • Shifter: Shifts
  • Left Paddle: Pit Limiter
  • Right Paddle: Handbrake
  • Put your H-Shifter in sequential Mode please.
  • Left Paddle: Pit Limiter
  • Right Paddle: Handbrake
  • Push Shifter forward: Shift Down
  • Pull Shifter backwards: Shift Up
My Settings in the Profiler and LFS (just for Information, do what you think is best for you):
  • Wheel turn: 900 Degrees
  • Wheel turn compensation: 1.00
  • Force strength: 40
  • Throttle / brake axis: seperate
  • Gear shift mode: Doesn´t matter, is done by the Script
  • Clutch: axis
  • Handbrake: button
  • Button control rate: 4.00
  • Thr / brk reduction: 0.00
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Quote from buedi :Hi all,

since there are a few Replies via PM I post the Scripts just here.

I only altered 3 of the Scripts since all the "Car" Scripts call the sequential, paddle and road Scripts.
I will explain the Scripts and what they do (not much, but maybe it helps what to do when driving with them the 1st time).

  • Put your H-Shifter in sequential Mode please.
  • Left Paddle: Shift down
  • Right Paddle: Shift up
  • Push Shifter forward: Pit Limiter
  • Pull Shifter backwards: Handbrake
  • Put your H-Shifter into H-Shifter Mode please.
  • Shifter: Shifts
  • Left Paddle: Pit Limiter
  • Right Paddle: Handbrake
  • Put your H-Shifter in sequential Mode please.
  • Left Paddle: Pit Limiter
  • Right Paddle: Handbrake
  • Push Shifter forward: Shift Down
  • Pull Shifter backwards: Shift Up
My Settings in the Profiler and LFS (just for Information, do what you think is best for you):
  • Wheel turn: 900 Degrees
  • Wheel turn compensation: 1.00
  • Force strength: 40
  • Throttle / brake axis: seperate
  • Gear shift mode: Doesn´t matter, is done by the Script
  • Clutch: axis
  • Handbrake: button
  • Button control rate: 4.00
  • Thr / brk reduction: 0.00

1.00 compensation for 900 degree?
U must have 0.00 to use 900 degree because i think when u have 1.00 and 900 degree game uses only 720 degree (in road cars..)

Sorry for bad english -.-
Quote from gacek1 :1.00 compensation for 900 degree?
U must have 0.00 to use 900 degree because i think when u have 1.00 and 900 degree game uses only 720 degree (in road cars..)

Sorry for bad english -.-

The wheel set to 720 and 1.00 is better, you are right. Because in LFS there is currently no Car supporting 900 Degrees. I am just too lazy do adjust it to 720
buedi it screwed up an it aint working for me. FXR doesnt shift at all now
#18 - LewX
yeh when i use the xrg i cant shift, then in options i find that the gears are assigned to buttons 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, etc. so i changed them to the H-shifter buttons, then i restart lfs, and then its gone back to the other buttons.

i hope that makes sense
Kool thanks!
Quote from LewX :yeh when i use the xrg i cant shift, then in options i find that the gears are assigned to buttons 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, etc. so i changed them to the H-shifter buttons, then i restart lfs, and then its gone back to the other buttons.

i hope that makes sense

Change the script file to reflect the changed controls. It will re-load the script file everytime you get into a new car or LFS is restarted. Changing the controls in LFS does not change the script files, for obvious reasons. You must modify your scripts to reflect the changes.

If anyone is still having problems I'll upload my scripts for you.
Quote from hansonator69 :buedi it screwed up an it aint working for me. FXR doesnt shift at all now

Hmmm, strange. I did not change anything in the Logitech Profiler which should affect the Shifter.
And in the Controls I use the Settings I have posted. Since the Shift Up / Shift Down / Gear # is controlled by the Scripts I don´t see why it doesn´t work for you. I am very sorry

Edit: Maybe my Button # is different to yours because I have plugged in some other USB Gaming Devices (Joysticks and Gamepads). In that case it seems that my Scripts are worthless.
Quote from buedi :Hmmm, strange. I did not change anything in the Logitech Profiler which should affect the Shifter.
And in the Controls I use the Settings I have posted. Since the Shift Up / Shift Down / Gear # is controlled by the Scripts I don´t see why it doesn´t work for you. I am very sorry

Edit: Maybe my Button # is different to yours because I have plugged in some other USB Gaming Devices (Joysticks and Gamepads). In that case it seems that my Scripts are worthless.

dont worry i tailored the scripts and now its fine thanks for your help
Changing shifters
This should be fairly easy to set up. You just turn the switch on your shifter, making it go into sequential shift mode, then rebind shift up, shift down to the up down on the shifter, however, the only disadvantage of this way is wen u get into an open wheeler, you will either have to rebind shit up shift down to the paddles or use the knob
Have you read the thread at all?