The online racing simulator
Quote from FCS13 :Lol, i have a volcon skin in progress

Nice It was just a fast skin for a damo racer :P
Here are some of my skins tell me what do you think about them?
Attached images
Drift skin1.JPG
FD3s Red.JPG
Little bits of Kengen-T, little bits of CDF, I made a skin for the Drift Showdown.

What's the drift showdown?Anyway,too simple for my taste.What a plate.....
Quote from CobraDrifter :What's the drift showdown?Anyway,too simple for my taste.What a plate.....

You should know what Drift Showdown is, it's organised by your previous and current team - Slide-FX and Kengen Tuning.

There's no official date yet so shh until then.
whew all those skins look great here's a public skin that i want to release:

feel free to modify as you like
i also have a screenshot:

even tho it's my team skin, i don't feel like making anything private, so all my work is available to anyone
Quote from XMDrifter :whew all those skins look great here's a public skin that i want to release:

feel free to modify as you like
i also have a screenshot:

even tho it's my team skin, i don't feel like making anything private, so all my work is available to anyone

nice, it looks now much better with the pro-kit and higher res maybe little too much cf
Oh no its me again.

A new redbull skin has been made.
I was going for a drifty feel to it, but with enough edge that it could be used for racing if someone chose to.

Anyway tell me what u think.
Attached images
RB-Bridgestone preview.jpg
D1 skins
Something that you all been waiting for! or some of you, anyway without any further delay R.Miki TopSecret S15 and K.Tanaka Team Orange S15
Attached images
TeamOrange picture.JPG
TopSecret picture.JPG
they are old, and i´m not sure, this skins are from you ..
lol i think they are not his, he just painted his name on it with MS paint
Look at the 'Drift Grand Prix' logos, you can clearly see they've been painted over. It should say 'Design Dudes' above it.

I think, anyway.
obviously not his skins.. -1
Thats for sure, unbelievable people like that excist ...
It's true it should say "design dudes" but thats only cause I used thers skin with S15 lights and I painted my name and left the logo cause I like it. Honestly! But let me ask you this have any of you seen these exact skines before? Let me answer to that one NO, NO and NO. cause I made tihis skins my self. And if you all still don't belive me, it dosen't matter bacause I know I made those skins!
Yes i saw the team Orange skin on a FZ5 and i have seen the Top Secret skin a lot of times too i even got it in my skins x folder.. U are just probably a 13 years old kid that is too noob to make their own stuff so u just rip off some stuff on a other skin and claims its yours.. lame And another thing u FAIL with bleu smoke.
if you look at the first 2 pictures you can see HLVC ok, that means he is doing a hotlap i think, can you do a hotlap in demo???
XRT in demo?
Quote from Misa_DK :It's true it should say "design dudes" but thats only cause I used thers skin with S15 lights and I painted my name and left the logo cause I like it. Honestly! But let me ask you this have any of you seen these exact skines before? Let me answer to that one NO, NO and NO. cause I made tihis skins my self. And if you all still don't belive me, it dosen't matter bacause I know I made those skins!


You lil faker. Mistreating others hard work. You should get banned for this.
Quote from Misa_DK :But let me ask you this have any of you seen these exact skines before?

Actually I have.Zach had made the Msports XRT skin and I converted (with Zachs help of course) the msports skin for the FZ5.

Edit:Cant people blame 10 year olds instead of 13 year olds?It kind of offends me .
Quote from screama :XRT in demo?

Yup I had the same idea. Your busted. And that skin, all I can say cheat.

Your so busted
Quote from niels1 :Yup I had the same idea. Your busted. And that skin, all I can say cheat.

Your so busted

XRT IN DEMO!!??? there is patch X you guys...
But yah, you stole those skins man. Bad idea.
ive seen that top secret skin a lot too, but no way to really know. could be a coincidence, probably not, but if the creator isn't him then hopefully he will see this and we will all know the truth. they don't look too good either...
For the last time I did not stole those skins! And if you look carefuly enough you will see that my skins and who ever do yu think I stoled it from CAN'T BE SAME. And tell me where are those skins that I "stole" from? if you cant find them.And what will I get for them money? fame? glory? please don't be redicilous! My only idea was to give something back cause I dowloaded a lot of skins and yes I drive XRT in the old version of lfs so what!

XR Skins (All)
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