The online racing simulator
Could of, should of, would of....
(57 posts, started )
I could of posted correctly in here, but I couldn't be arsed.
I am seriously glad someone finally pointed out this malignant grammatic growth that has been undermining the lingual fabric of this forum.
Grammar lesson? I'm gonna fail then...
There will be times where even if you know what the person is saying, that some of the rules should be used for clarity. Take the classic example, "yesterday i helped my uncle jack off the horse"
Quote from NotAnIllusion :yesterday i helped my uncle jack off the horse

Considering that Jack isn't a typical Finnish name I'd say your family needs to invest in a couple of mares, friend.
Quote from xaotik :Considering that Jack isn't a typical Finnish name I'd say your family needs to invest in a couple of mares, friend.

Considering that Jack is a typical English name I'd say you need to invest in a (new?) pair of glasses, friend.
Yup, this really pisses me off too.

I used to be a really serious grammar and punctuation Nazi but I had to stop because I fighting a losing battle.

It's purely down to the slang and abbreviations. People grow up saying "should've" so they don't know that it's "should have" and not "should of". Although if they knew anything about the English language they would punch themselves repeatedly in the face.
Our man Shakespeare would be spinning in his grave. I shall speak on his behalf.

Quoth the Bard:
"Share my lamentations, for thy language skills match not the scholar of yesteryear but the hick redneck yokul tramp of tomorrow"
One could argue that since in English you don't say words as they are written it doesn't matter how you spell them. OTOH all of you who intensionally mispell words should think of what kind af an example you set for us non-natives.
I always die a little from the inside when I see something which is spelled really wrong like: you could of maked you're tests gooder.
Quote from zeugnimod :You could of realized that it was meant as a joke.

But seriously, they do need to get there asses whipped!

Quote from zeugnimod :OMG. :faint:

I'm drinking a Pepsi, or at least I was drinking a Pepsi, until I spat it all over my monitor. That is a classic right there.

I couldn't tell if it was done on purpose or not....
Quote from Gil07 :I've detected a broken Sarcasm Detector... Do we have a specialist in the area on hand? It's urgent!

Don't make me come over there and whip you boiii
Quote from zeugnimod :OMG. :faint:

God you are so hilarious.
Should the whole community be ROFL'ing about your awesomeness now?
Quote from Fuse5 :God you are so hilarious.
Should the whole community be ROFL'ing about your awesomeness now?

Why? Zeug is awesome! He uses chase cam! :bowdown:
Quote from Fuse5 :God you are so hilarious.
Should the whole community be ROFL'ing about your awesomeness now?

We all love zeug!

Seriously though, lighten up dude.

Edit: On-topic then... better get used to the "of"... internet f's up any language, can't seem to stop it.
Quote from traxxion :We all love zeug!

Why wouldn't someone? He's our loveable, cuddly teddybear...

Quote from Fuse5 :God you are so hilarious.
Should the whole community be ROFL'ing about your awesomeness now?

I just got confirmation that there will be an article about my two awesome posts on tonight.
Quote from hyntty :Why wouldn't someone? He's our loveable, cuddly teddybear...


The zoo called. They want their cuddly teddy bear back.
Hey, leave Ziggy alone! I´m not about to allow some young whippersnappers to take my place as Ziggy´s enemy! That place is reserved to me! :em31:
lol. you are more than welcome to keep him. Wasn't even trying to claim him as mine.

suht irw muidugi.
Quote from Fuse5 :lol. you are more than welcome to keep him. Wasn't even trying to claim him as mine.

"To claim me/myself as his" would be correct. Enemy, that is.

"Seriously, if so many posters here use incorrect grammar, people will believe that they are right about it."

And Kalev, don't be afraid.
Many makes mistakes with english, so there should be an english teacher here on this forum.

Okay, today you are going to learn about ***

Quote from zeugnimod :"To claim me/myself as his" would be correct. Enemy, that is.

"Seriously, if so many posters here use incorrect grammar, people will believe that they are right about it."

And Kalev, don't be afraid.

I am terribly sorry for my mistake, as I am not a native English speaker, therefore I'm bound to make mistakes every now and then as I consider my written English good but not perfect.
Quote from Fuse5 :I am terribly sorry for my mistake, as I am not a native English speaker, therefore I'm bound to make mistakes every now and then as I consider my written English good but not perfect.

Why do you have to be so dead serious?
Dunno. Sorry, actually.
I just got seriously pissed about you just making a laugh about this thread once again when i first posted in this topic.
Been negatively biased towards you ever since.
Meh, with no reason actually. If you can't beat them, join them. The illiterate bastards, i mean

Hope we're cool?

Could of, should of, would of....
(57 posts, started )