The LRF Duel Project
The idea is to get the "best" Rac and FZ50 drivers to battle for 3 races, with 3 laps each, racing for their "Racing Honor"...a duel.
I've choosen this drivers because they have the best benchmarks on hotlaps, each one on his own car,[GR]Evolution with RAC and Fox 2 with FZ50.
It's going to be a pure racing video and im looking for an Epic look : Rac Vs FZ50
The drivers must try their best to race in the most spetacular and "fair" way possible. But remember this is war!!

who ever wins twice, is declared the winner, and I'm doing a video of the best race.
Now....gentlemens.... Mr.[GR]Evolution and Mr.Fox 2, please contact each other to decide where ( Combo/track ) and when( Date/hour) do you want to battle, and then please reply here your decision.
I'll be waiting for your reply to arrange and prepare a private server and race marshall.
Best Regards, Lynce.