C# tips
(4 posts, started )
C# tips
I am a C# progammer newb (im learning at school, going fine by the way) and sometimes i have problems and search the internet for workarounds. the thing is: are there any usefull tips like functons that should be avoided $$/or usefull functions / libraries to have?
i see that some people tell me to avoid the clear screen functions and scanf...

PS: what do i need to initialize graphics? i checked initgraphic() but... all i got was missing stuff...

thanks in advance... its cold here and hard to type =D

EDIT: is recursivity (i dont know how to call it) or the ''calling the same function inside itself'' something to avoid at all costs? (my teacher says soo, but it makes things soooooo easy, and never got a problem) and i should use instead while/dowhile right?
Okay, first, this thread should be in the programming section

Then, what do you actually want to do? You randomly start brabbling about clear screen and initializing graphics which makes no sense. What are you using, some sort of third party 3D engine? GDI+?

Useful functions are basically everything included in the framework. There might be a few exceptions (like the retarded UdpClient for example), but in general everything is pretty well thought through. Since just browsing the MSDN is not really all that fun, usually Google searches to find solutions for specific problems are the way to go.

And recursive calls should be used when you need them. If a normal loop can solve the problem without hassle then it's a waste of resources to code a recursive solution. But if you for example need to navigate a tree-like structure (like folders), recursion is the way to go.
Quote from Calvinaquino :is recursivity (i dont know how to call it) or the ''calling the same function inside itself'' something to avoid at all costs? (my teacher says soo, but it makes things soooooo easy, and never got a problem) and i should use instead while/dowhile right?

no... but it seems you havent fully understood recursions yet... not every function that calls itself is recursive
Damn i really though i was posting in the programming section... can any mod move my thread?

it seems that i havent fully understood i agree...

C# tips
(4 posts, started )