i am sick and tierd of the way people badmouth skins made on paint not photoshop/gimp.
the only reel difference between an good paint skin and a good photoshop/gimp skin is the STUPID black background that does not even show in game. as for those "rules of skining" by beefyman666, the frist two are good byt the third is complete CR*P!!!
so i am setting up this thread espeasily for skins made on paint.
any car WIP or finished. no skins made on photoshop, gimp ect
here are 4 of mine to start this of
Well, Paint gives HORRIBLE quality on jpgs, which LFS uses. I really hope you used a conversion program, or another image editing program to get them to jpg.
NO! I made them as jpgs on paint and could not in my opinion done better if on photoshop/gimp and this is my point, paint is not a bad programe it does what it needs to and does it well rather like notepad or a ps1 they do what they need to and do it well
You my friend have been disillusioned as to the importance of a vector based graphics program. Paint can't even come close to the ability of Photoshop.
Here's my tip: Download Paint.NET. Once you know how to use it you can do so many more things than on paint. . It is very easy to use once you've tested out all the features.
You just need to know what it does when you do thing X, then you'll know how you can create various things
i am slowley getting used to gimp but i still think that peoples skins should not be judged on the programe they use and to not dismiss a skin as bad just because it was not made on a prokit
Can't you see how blurry those skins are? Can't you see how unrealistically over-saturated the Paint colour palette is? A skin made in paint may be "easier" to make (easier if its just blocks of colour with logos slopped on top, not realy design and graphics) but it will never compare to a properly made skin in a proper graphics application.
You need to use a proper program to get proper results. You need to be able to create proper graphics and use a full colour palette to get proper, and realistic, colours. Furthermore, you need to use a proper program to get logos that are not blurry and pixelated.
If you can't see those things that are wrong with skins made in Paint, than you are either blind or.. well.. I guess just blind. There's a hell of a lot more to Photoshop skins than a black mask. (BTW, the mask is useful for three reasons. The least important of which is that it tidies up your skinfile, making it look more professional. Secondly, it gives you a rough estimate of the boundaries of skinnable areas for quick reference of location of panels. Thirdly, it reduces the filesize of the finished jpg. That can mean the difference between a level 8 jpg compression and a level 12 for some skins, which makes a huge, huge difference in the quality.)
I suggest you learn how to use Paint.NET, the Gimp, or some other free app, If you seriously want to make good skins.
For the record, Photoshop is not complex. At all. It can just do a lot, and when you first open it it may be overwhelming, like all good programs. Solidworks, 3DSMax, etc etc. They're all easy to use, you just need to learn them.
I've never seen one good skin made in Paint. Ever.
-no, paint doesn't save good quality jpg's (as said before)
-there's more than a "stupid" black background, ie. layers. which makes everything much easier in making the skin.
-the "stupid" black background is black just because it does NOT show in game, and when it doesn't show up in game: it's better to be black instead of having some "smart" colours taking up file size. so yea, black is to reduce file size.
-paint is made by micro$oft = it sucks
But the thing is, as others said, it's the first overwhelming sight when opening Photoshop (or other professional software) that scares people.
But you need to get off your lazy ass and start messing around a bit in these programs and you'll find out they help you make skinning easy.
When I started, i didn't know anything about how to use it too, but just started to mess around a bit and learned a lot from many helpful people here. Now I can't think of how 'life' would be without Photoshop.
So stop wining and start putting some effort in skinning. It'll be worth it!
well most the time i dont have time because im trying to keep my race car running. it's all good and well spending money of photoshop of whatever but i have more impotant thngs to do whith my cash my belts alone were £75 and ive had to try and straiten after some idiot ramed me into the armco at 45mph (guess because i have no speedo)
Paint is pretty crap. The pixel bleed is terrible on it.
I would do what joseph said though, get paint.net. It has the simplicity of MS paint, but it gives out much better quality images. Whenever i do myself some skins, i always use photoshop to do the basics, and then Paint.NET to do the final touches, as its so easy to use.